
Cécile Rousseau, MD

Selected Publications

Atlani, L., & Rousseau, C. (2000). The politics of culture in humanitarian aid to refugees having experienced sexual violence. Transcultural Psychiatry, 37(3), 435-449.

Corin, E. & Rousseau, C. (1997). Sens et contexte dans l’étude des problèmes psychiatriques: À la recherche de nouveaux modèles. Médecine/Sciences, 13(4), 527-533.

Crépeau, F., Foxen, P., Houle, F. & Rousseau, C. (2001). Analyse multidisciplinaire du processus décisionnel de la CISR. Refuge, 19(4), 62-75.

Darghout, S., Pedersen, D., Bibeau, G., & Rousseau, C. (2006) Painful Languages of the Body: Experiences of Headache, Pain and Suffering in Peru. Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry, 30(3), in press.

De La Aldea, E. & amp; Rousseau, C. (1998). Violencia y Salud Mental: intervención y prevención. Mangengamos Viva La Esperanza. Guatemala.

De Plaen, S., Alain, N., Rousseau, C., Chiasson, M., Lynch, A., Elejalde, A. & Sassine, M. (2005) Mieux travailler en situations cliniques complexes: l'expérience des séminaires transculturels interinstitutionnels. Santé mentale au Québec, 30(2), 281-299.

Drapeau, A., Rousseau, C. & Boivin, J.-F. (2005). Mesure de la santé mentale dans une étude populationnelle. In Connaître, débattre et décider: la contribution d'une Enquête socio-économique et de santé intégrée et longitudinale. Québec: Institut de la statistique du Québec (pp.89-120).

Greenfield, B., Larson, C., Hechtman, L., Rousseau, C., & Platt, R. (2002). A rapid-response outpatient model for reducing hospitalization rates among suicidal adolescents. Psychiatric Services, 53(12), 1574-1579.

Greenfield, B., Rousseau, C., Slatkoff, J., Lewkowski, M., Davis, M., Dubé, S., Lashley, M., Morin, I., Dray, P. & Harnden, B. (2006). Profile of a metropolitan North American immigrant suicidal adolescent population. The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 51(3), 155-159

Heath, N., Petrakos, H., Finn, C. Karagiannakis, A. McLean-Heywood, D. & Rousseau, C. (2004). Inclusion on the final frontier: A model for including children with emotional and behaviour disorders in Canada. The International Journal of Inclusive Education, 8(3), 241-259

Kirmayer, L.J., Rousseau, C. & Crépeau, F. (2004) Research ethics and the plight of refugees in detention.
Monash Bioethics Review, 23(4), 85-92.

Le Boy, Y. & Rousseau, C. (2000). Du bon usage des autobiographies. Critique Internationale, 6, 57-60.

Le Bot, Y. & Rousseau, C. (2000). Rigoberta Menchú: La naissance d'un sujet. Journal de la Société des Américanistes, 85, 415-424.

Mekki-Berrada, A., Rousseau, C. & Bertot, J., (2001). Research on refugees: Means of transmitting suffering and forging social bonds. International Journal of Mental Health, 30(2), 41-57.

Montgomery, C., Rousseau, C., & Shermarke, M. (2001). Alone in a strange land: Unaccompanied minors and issues of protection.
Canadian Ethnic Studies, 33(1), 1-17.

Moreau, S., Rousseau, C., Mekki-Berrada, A., TCMR & ÉRASME. (1999). Politiques d'immigration et santé mentale des réfugiés: profil et impact des séparations familiales, Nouvelles Pratiques Sociales, 11(2) – 12(1), 177-196.

Rousseau, C. (1999). Playing around with a story. Transcultural Psychiatry, 36(4), 447-450.

Rousseau, C. (2000).
Les réfugiés à notre porte : Violence organisée et souffrance sociale. Revue Criminologie, 33(1), 185-201.

Rousseau, C. (2002). Incertitude et clinique transculturelle. L'Évolution psychiatrique, 67, 764-774.

Rousseau, C. (2003). L'horreur et l'humanité. Frontières, 15(3), 60-62

Rousseau, C. (2005). Diving into complexity: John Sigal's work on the long-term consequences of the Holocaust. Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 10(2), 262-265.

Rousseau, C., Alain, N., De Plaen, S., Chiasson-Lavoie, M., Elejalde, A., Lynch, A., & Moss, E. (2005). Repenser la formation continue dans le réseau de la santé et des services sociaux: l'expérience des séminaires inter-institutionnels en intervention transculturelle. Nouvelles pratiques sociales, 17(2), 109-125.

Rousseau, C. & Ang, W.(2005) Migrantenadolescenten ‘in between’ : De uitdagingen van de identiteitsvorming. Psyche, 17(4), 8-10.

Rousseau, C., Crépeau, F., Foxen, P. & Houle, F. (2002). The complexity of determining refugeehood: A multidisciplinary analysis of the decision-making process of the Canadian Immigration and Refugee Board. Journal of Refugee Studies, 15(1), 43-70.

Rousseau, C., de la Aldea, E., Vijer-Rojas, M., & Foxen, P. (2005) After the NGO's departure: Changing Memory Strategies of Young Mayan Refugees Who Returned to Guatemala As a Community. Anthropology and Medicine, 12(1), 3-21.

Rousseau, C. & Drapeau, A. (1998). Parent-Child Agreement on Refugee Children’s Psychiatric Symptoms : A Transcultural Perspective. Journal of American Academy of Child Adolescent Psychiatry, 37(6), 629-636.

Rousseau, C. & Drapeau, A. (2000). Scholastic achievement of adolescent refugees from Cambodia and Central America. Adolescence, 35(138), 243-258.

Rousseau, C. & Drapeau, A. (2003). Are refugee children an at-risk group?: A longitudinal study of Cambodian adolescents. Journal of Refugee Studies, 16(1), 67-81.

Rousseau, C. & Drapeau, A. (2004). Premigration exposure to political violence among independent immigrants and its association with emotional distress. The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 192(12), 852-856.

Rousseau, C., Drapeau, A., Chan, M. & Platt, R. (2004) Family environment and psychiatric symptoms in adolescent Cambodian refugees: Influence of time, gender, and acculturation. Medicine Conflict and Survival, 20(2), 151-165.

Rousseau, C., Drapeau, A. & Corin, E. (1996). School performance and emotional problems in refugee children. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 66(2), 239-251.

Rousseau, C., Drapeau, A. & Corin, E. (1997). The Influence of Culture and Context on the Pre- and Post-Migration Experience of School-Aged Refugees from Central America and Southeast Asia in Canada. Social Science & Medicine, 44(8), 1115-1127.

Rousseau, C., Drapeau, A. & Corin, E. (1998). Risk and Protective Factors in Central American and Southeast Asian Refugee Children. Journal of Refugee Studies, 11(1), 20-37.

Rousseau, C., Drapeau, A., Lacroix, L., Bagilishya, D. & Heusch, N. (2005). Evaluation of a classroom program of creative expression workshops for refugee and immigrant children. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 46(2), 180-185.

Rousseau, C., Drapeau, A. & Platt, R. (1999). Family trauma and its association with emotional and behavioral problems and social adjustment in adolescent Cambodian refugees. Child Abuse & Neglect, 23(12), 1263-1273.

Rousseau, C., Drapeau, A. & Platt, R. (2000). Living conditions and emotional profile of young Cambodians, Central Americans and Quebecois.
Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 45(10), 905-911.

Rousseau, C., Drapeau A., & Rahimi, S. (2003). The Complexity of trauma response: A 4-year follow-up of adolescent Cambodian refugees. Child Abuse and Neglect, 27(11), 1277-1290.

Rousseau, C., Gauthier, M.-F., Lacroix, L., Moran, A., Vigerr-Rojas, M., Alain, N., et al. (2005). Playing with identities and transforming shared realities: Drama therapy workshops for adolescent immigrants and refugees. The Arts in Psychotherapy, 32(1), 13-27.

Rousseau, C. & Heusch, N. (2000). The Trip: A creative expression project for refugee or immigrant children. The Journal of the American Art Therapy Association, 17(1), 31-40.

Rousseau, C., Key, F., & Measham, T. (2005). The work of culture in the treatment of psychosis in migrant adolescent. Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 10(3), 305-317.

Rousseau, C., Lacroix, L., Bagilishya, D. & Heusch, N. (2003). Working with myths: Creative Expression Workshops for Immigrant and Refugee Children in a School Setting. American Journal of Art Therapy, 20(1), 3-10.

Rousseau, C., Lacroix, L., Singh, A., Gauthier, M.-F. & Benoit, M. (2005). Creative Expression Workshops in School: Prevention Programs for Immigrant and Refugee Children. The Canadian Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 14(3), 82-85.

Rousseau, C. & Machouf, A. (2005). A preventive pilot project addressing multiethnic tensions in the wake of Iraq war. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 75(4), 466-474.

Rousseau, C. & Measham, T. (2004). Childhood reactions to terrorism: Addressing the mental health consequences of intercommunity tensions. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 43(11), 1320-1321.

Rousseau, C., Mekki-Berrada, A. & Moreau, S. (2001). Trauma and extended separation from family among Latin American and African refugees in Montréal.
Psychiatry: Interpersonal and Biological Processes, 64(1), 40-59.

Rousseau, C., Mekki-Berrada, A. & Rufagari, M-C. (1999). Traumatismes et séparations familiales prolongées chez les réfugiés du Congo-Kinshasa établis à Montréal. Revue Canadienne des Études Africaines, 33(2 et 3), 584-592.

Rousseau, C., Morales, M. & Foxen, P. (2001). Going home: Giving voice to memory. strategies of young Mayan refugees who returned to Guatemala as a community. Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry, 25(2), 135-168.

Rousseau, C., Rufagari, M.C., Bagilashya, D. & Measham, T. (2004). Remaking Family Life: Strategies for re-establishing Continuity Among Congolese Refugees During the Family Reunification Process.
Social Science & Medicine, 59(5), 1095-1108.

Rousseau, C., Said, T.M., Gagné, M.J. & Bibeau, G. (1998). Between myth and madness : The premigration dream of leaving among young Somali refugee. Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry, 22(4), 385-411.

Rousseau, C., Said, T.M., Gagné, M.-J. & Bibeau, G. (1998). Resilience in unaccompanied minors from the North of Somalia.
Psychoanalytic Review, 85(4), 615-635.

Rousseau, C., Said, T.M., Gagné, M.-J. & Bibeau, G., (2001). Rêver ensemble le départ. Construction du mythe chez les jeunes Somaliens réfugiés. Autrepart, 18, 51-68.

Rousseau, C. Singh, A., Lacroix, L., & Measham, T. (2004). Creative expression workshops for immigrant and refugee children: Clinical perspectives. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 43(2), 235-238.

Stein, D., Rousseau, C., & Lacroix, L. (2004). Between innovation and tradition: The paradoxical relationship between eye movement desensitization and reprocessing and altered states of consciousness. Transcultural Psychiatry, 41(1), 5-30.

Selected Chapters and Books


Bibeau, G., Chan-Yip, A.M., Lock, M., Rousseau, C. & Sterlin, C. (1992). La santé mentale et ses visages: Un Québec pluriethnique au quotidien. Chicoutimi, QC, Canada: Gaëtan Morin, 289 p.

Habimana, E. Rousseau, C., Saucier, J.-F., & Streit, U. (2001). Psychiatrie transculturelle, migrations. In A. Lalonde, Grunberg et collaborateurs (Ed.), Psychiatrie clinique - Une approche bio-psycho-sociale - Tome II - Spécialités, traitements, sciences fondamentales et sujets d'intérêt. Boucherville, QC, Canada: Gaëtan Morin (pp. 1746-1759).

Kirmayer, L.J., Rousseau, C., Jarvis, E. & Guzder, J. (2003) The Cultural Context of Clinical Assessment. In A. Tasman, J. Lieberman & J. Kay, (Eds.), Psychiatry Second Edition, Volume 1. Toronto, ON, Canada: John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

Kirmayer, L.J., Rousseau, C. & Santhanam, R. (2003). Models of Diagnosis and Treatment Planning in Multicultural Mental Health. In A. Rummens, M. Beiser, & S. Noh (Eds.), Navigating diversity: Immigration, Health and Ethnicity. Toronto, ON, Canada: University of Toronto Press.

Measham, T., Rousseau, C. & Alain, N. (2003).
La médiation: articulation des espaces thérapeutiques et politiques. In T. Baubet & M.-R. Moro (Eds.), Psychiatrie & migrations. Issy-les-Moulineaux Cedex, France: Éditions Masson (pp.195-202).

Rousseau, C. (2001). Santé mentale des immigrants et des réfugiés. In: G. Morin (Ed.), Psychiatrie clinique - Une approche bio-psycho-sociale, Tome II, Spécialités, traitements, sciences fondamentales et sujets d'intérêt. Montréal, QC, Canada: Gaëtan Morin (pp 1750-1753).

Rousseau, C. (2003). Soigner le trauma psychique: Alibi ou nécessité. In T. Beaubet, K. Le Roch, D. Bitar & M.R. Moro (Eds.), Soigner malgré tout: Bébés, enfants et adolescents dans la violence,Vol. 2. Grenoble, France: La pensée sauvage (pp. 121-143)

Rousseau, C. (2003). Violence organisée et traumatismes. In T. Baubet & M.-R. Moro (Eds.), Psychiatrie & migrations. Issy-les-Moulineaux Cedex, France: Éditions Masson (pp.148-154).

Rousseau, C. (2004). Le jeu des différences. In C. Colin (Ed.), Une juste place pour tous les enfants: Plaidoyer pour l'action. Montréal, QC, Canada: Éditions de l'Hôpital Sainte-Justine - Centre hospitalier universitaire mère-enfant (pp. 119-131).

Rousseau, C. (2005) HIV and cultural diversity. In K.Citron, M-J. Brouillette & A. Beckett (Eds.), HIV and psychiatry: a training resource manual. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press (pp.248-252).

Rousseau, C. (2005) La rencontre amoureuse et le métissage des mondes: repenser la prévention et l'intervention. In Alex Battaglini et al., Actes du colloque: Diversité culturelle et relations amoureuses. Montreal, QC, Canada: Publications du Québec (pp.33-44).

Rousseau, C. & Drapeau, A. (1998). The Impact of Culture on the Transmission of Trauma: Refugees' stories embodied in their children's lives. In Y. Danieli (Ed.), International Handbook of Multigenerational Legacies of Trauma. New York : Plenum Press (pp. 465-486).

Rousseau, C. & Drapeau, A. (2002). Santé mentale. In Institut de la statistique Québec (Ed.), Santé et bien-être, immigrants récents au Québec: une adaptation réciproque? Étude auprès des communautés culturelles 1998-1999. Montréal, QC, Canada: Les Publications du Québec (pp. 211-245).

Rousseau, C., ÉRASME, & Université À¦°óSMÉçÇø. (2004). Les innovations silencieuses des organismes oeuvrant auprès des populations immigrantes. In Fonds de recherche sur la société et la culture, Le développement social au rythme de l'innovation. Ste-Foy, QC, Canada: Les Presses de l'Université du Québec (pp. 131-137).

Rousseau, C. & Foxen, P. (2005). Constructing and deconstructing the myth of the lying refugee: Paradoxes of power and justice in an administrative immigration tribunal. In Els van Dongen (Ed.), Lying and illness: Power and performance. Amsterdam: Her Spinhuis.

Rousseau, C. & Marotte, C. (2006). Éclaboussures traumatiques et regards sur la filiation: les enfants nés du viol. In T. Baubet, C. Lachal, L. Ouss-Ryngaert & M.R. Moro (Eds.), Bébés et traumas. Grenoble, France: La pensée sauvage (in press).

Rousseau, C. & Nadeau, L. (2003). Migration, exil et santé mentale. In T. Baubet & M.-R. Moro (Eds.), Psychiatrie & migrations. Issy-les-Moulineaux Cedex, France: Éditions Masson (pp. 126-136).


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