
Resources for Research and Evaluation

This section contains information about research methods, ethics, and evaluation, as well as links to other research programs and agencies. Some documents may be password protected or available only by request. To request access to protected articles or to suggest a resource, please contact Consuelo Errazuriz.


The following resources are outcomes of the Trauma and Global Health 5th Management Committee Meeting in Montreal Canada (October 24-26, 2011).

Bustamente, I. (2011). Trauma research in Peru . Presentation at the TGH 5th MCM, 捆绑SM社区, Montreal, Canada.

Errazuriz, C. (2001). Rethinking evaluation and reporting practices . Presentation at the TGH 5th MCM, 捆绑SM社区, Montreal, Canada.

Lopez, V. (2011). Community Based Participatory Research . Presentation at the TGH 5th MCM, 捆绑SM社区, Montreal, Canada.

Lopez, V. (2011). Using the Internet and Other Distance Learning Tools in Capacity Building . Presentation at the TGH 5th MCM, 捆绑SM社区, Montreal, Canada.

Pedersen, D. (2011). Rethinking Trauma as a Global Challenge . Presentation at the TGH 5th MCM, 捆绑SM社区, Montreal, Canada.

Weerackody, C. (2011). Local Strategies for Capacity Building . Presentation at the TGH 5th MCM, 捆绑SM社区, Montreal, Canada.

Weerackody, C. (2011). Consulting Communities for Designing Mental Health Interventions . Presenatation at the TGH 5th MCM, 捆绑SM社区, Montreal Canada.

International Libraries and Statistical Databases

  • The HINARI program, set up by WHO together with major publishers, enables developing countries to gain access to one of the world's largest collections of biomedical and health literature. Over 3300 journal titles are now available to health institutions in 113 countries, benefiting many thousands of health workers and researchers, and in turn, contributing to improved world health.
  • (Including HDI)

  • It holds the Truth Commissions' Digital Collection which is one of the most complete specialised libraries available in North America and the world.

  • VHL is a library, a decentralized and dynamic information-source collection, designed to provide equitable access to scientific knowledge on health. This collection operates as an Internet network of products and services, structured to progressively meet the need for information on health on the part of authorities, administrators, researchers, professors, students, professionals, the media and the general public. It sets itself apart from other information sources available on the Internet due to its selection criteria and quality control.

Field research methods and ethical issues

CIHR Guidelines for Health Research Involving Aboriginal People
Canadian Institutes of Health Research, 2007
Guidelines prepared by the Ethics Office of the the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), in conjunction with its Institute of Aboriginal Peoples' Health, to assist researchers and institutions in carrying out ethical and culturally competent research involving aboriginal people.

Using Qualititative and Quantitative Research Methods in the Study of Mental and Trauma-Related Disorders
Hanna Kienzler & Duncan Pedersen, 2007
(Available in English)
Produced by the Trauma and Global Health Program.

Committee on Science, Engineering, and Public Policy, National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering, and Institute of Medicine, 2009
The scientific research enterprise is built on a foundation of trust. Scientists trust that the results reported by others are valid. Society trusts that the results of research reflect an honest attempt by scientists to describe the world accurately and without bias. But this trust will endure only if the scientific community devotes itself to exemplifying and transmitting the values associated with ethical scientific conduct. On Being a Scientist was designed to supplement the informal lessons in ethics provided by research supervisors and mentors. The book describes the ethical foundations of scientific practices and some of the personal and professional issues that researchers encounter in their work. It applies to all forms of research--whether in academic, industrial, or governmental settings-and to all scientific disciplines. This third edition of On Being a Scientist reflects developments since the publication of the original edition in 1989 and a second edition in 1995. A continuing feature of this edition is the inclusion of a number of hypothetical scenarios offering guidance in thinking about and discussing these scenarios. On Being a Scientist is aimed primarily at graduate students and beginning researchers, but its lessons apply to all scientists at all stages of their scientific careers.


Outcome Mapping Summary
Outcome Mapping - Midterm Evaluation Questionnaire

Trauma & Global Health Team, 2009
Outcome Mapping (OM) offers a methodology that can be used to create planning, monitoring, and evaluation mechanisms enabling organisations to document, learn from, and report on their achievements. It is designed to assist in understanding an organisation鈥檚 result, while recognising that contributions by other actors are essential to achieving the kinds of sustainable, large-scale improvements in social and ecological well-being toward which the organisation is working. We decided to follow this methodology in order to evaluate our TGH program.

Sarah Earl, Fred Carden, and Terry Smutylo, IDRC 2001
(Available in English, Spanish and French)
More and more, development organizations are under pressure to demonstrate that their programs result in significant and lasting changes in the well-being of their intended beneficiaries. However, such "impacts" are often the product of a confluence of events for which no single agency or group of agencies can realistically claim full credit. As a result, assessing development impacts is problematic, yet many organizations continue to struggle to measure results far beyond the reach of their programs. This publication explains the various steps in the outcome mapping approach and provides detailed information on workshop design and facilitation. It includes numerous worksheets and examples.

Outcome mapping is a new approach to planning international development work and measuring its results. The easiest way to learn more, keep up with changes in the many ways outcome mapping is being applied, and contribute to improving it, is to join the outcome mapping learning community.

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