
Regional Resources

This section contains area-specific links and literature. Some documents may be password protected. To request access to protected articles or to suggest a resource, please contact Consuelo Errazuriz.


Latin America

  • PERU: Nos-OTROS/ Nos-OTRAS y el lenguaje de la violencia
  • A joint initiative between 捆绑SM社区 and Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia, to develop a program of advanced studies, distance education and training in mental health and human development in Peru.
    Available in English and Spanish

  • Pan-American Health Organization, Regional Office of the World Health Organization.

  • The Virtual Campus of Public Health
    The Campus is a public service of continuing education and information. Its main objective is to contribute to the development and improvement of the efficiency of public health management through the resolution of cases closely related with professional practice, as well as to promote the exchange of experiences among professionals in the sector and among public health institutions of various countries.

  • Popular and professional discourses in mental illness in Lima, Peru (2001).
    The video documentary provides an introduction to mental illness as experienced, understood and addressed by lay people and health professionals in the city of Lima, Peru. Through a cultural studies perspective, this documentary tackles three contexts where stigmatization of the mentally-ill is often found: the street, the family and the psychiatric institution (35min/color, in Spanish with English subtitles).
  • (2006).
    The film deals with traumatic memories and the psychosocial impact of Shining Path and the military repression in a highland Quechua indigenous community in Ayacucho, Peru. The Fiesta de las Cruces, a celebration strictly forbidden for more than 15 years, serves as a pivot for remembering and forgetting, developing healing and coping strategies, and eventual reconstruction of community life. (42min/color, in Quechua with Spanish subtitles).
  • Sala de Situacion de Salud Post Sismo Pisco
    An epidemiological report issued by the Peruvian Ministry of Health on the August 2007 earthquake.
  • Lineamientos del IASC sobre salud mental y apoyo psicosocial en emergencias humanitarias y desastres - Versi贸n Per煤
    Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC), Ministerio de Salud (Peru), 2007
    Esta Gu铆a refleja los conocimientos adquiridos por profesionales de diferentes regiones geogr谩ficas, disciplinas y sectores, y refleja un naciente consenso entre los profesionales. La idea b谩sica es que, en la etapa inicial de una emergencia, es imprescindible brindar apoyo social para proteger y apoyar la salud mental y el bienestar psicosocial. Adem谩s, estos Lineamientos recomiendan algunas intervenciones psicol贸gicas y psiqui谩tricas frente a determinados problemas.

  • CRIES/Icaria/IDRC, 2007
    This volume is a collection of studies conducted by the Coordinadora Regional de Investigaciones Econ贸micas y Sociales (CRIES) into the problems of civil society and armed or violent conflicts in Latin America and the Caribbean. These studies, carried out within a program embracing research, consultation, networking, impact, and information dissemination, have been used by CRIES in the development of a Regional Action Plan for civil society, and in a presentation before the United Nations in the framework of the Global Conference promoted by the Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict (GPPAC). They also informed a Global Action Plan and served as a basis for the Latin American and Caribbean Platform for Conflict Prevention and Peace Building, created in October 2004. Available in .
  • Brigadas Psicol贸gicas de la PUCP: Una experiencia en el camino hacia la reconstrucci贸n
    El documento est谩 dirigido de manera especial al personal de salud comprometido con el desarrollo de acciones en beneficio de la poblaci贸n, a las ONG y organizaciones de la sociedad civil que trabajan en salud mental y desastres, as铆 como a los proveedores de cuidado. En 煤ltima instancia a todas aquellas personas interesadas en trabajar en los diferentes aspectos de la salud mental con poblaciones afectadas por situaciones de desastre.
  • Mujeres: Vi虂ctimas au虂n invisibles del Conflicto armado en el Peru虂
  • Comunicado de los obispos de la la selva Peruana
    Los Obispos de los Vicariatos Aposto虂licos de la Selva nos hemos reunido en la ciudad de Lima, el di虂a 27 de agosto de 2008 para reflexionar sobre la situacio虂n de los pueblos indi虂genas de nuestra Amazoni虂a, y el impacto de los Decretos Legislativos promulgados por el Poder Ejecutivo, en relacio虂n con dichos pueblos y sus territorios ancestrales.
  • Proyecto Radiofonico: "Estabilizaci贸n post conflicto y Rehabilitaci贸n Psicosocial en communidades alto andinas del Per煤"
    Produced by a team from the School of Communication of the Universidad Nacional San Cristobal de Huamanga, eight bilingual (Quechua鈥揝panish) radio programs (audiotapes of 30 minutes each)were broadcasted by local radio stations. Drawing an estimated audience of 17,000 people, the programs covered the following topics: 1) Nuraj: una alternativa de justicia comunitaria, 2) Como conformar un Nuraj, 3) Curandonos en la fiesta de nuestros pueblos, 4) Alcoholismo, 5)Memoria y olvido, 6) Recordando en la escuela... Proponiendo la paz, 7) Violencia escolar y educaci贸n para la paz, 8) Salud mental comunitaria. For a CD copy of these radio programs, please contact Consuelo Err谩zuriz.

  • Eds. Ernesto Stein and Mariano Tommasi, 2008
    鈥溾︹atin America is engaged in a constant search for policies to accelerate growth, reduce poverty, and otherwise further its economic and social progress. In its journey on the path to development, it has been offered, and often followed, celebrated road maps designed to speed it along in this tortuous trek. The state-run inward-looking policy package of the postwar era and the liberalization of the Washington Consensus were each hailed as tickets to sustainable, equitable development. Instead, they produced mixed results and ultimately fell short of the region鈥檚 goals and expectations. Were these policies flawed? Was something missing? To date, most of the discussion has been an exchange between those who argue that the transformation of the state has been incomplete and more reform is needed, and those who oppose reform and attribute the poor results to them. This book suggests an alternative view: the problem lies less in the policies than in the process behind these policies..."
  • Resiliencia andina y salud mental: estrategias de sobrevivencia frente a la violencia estructural y pol铆tica en instituciones educativas de dos ciudades andinas
    Darsy Calder贸n Rojas, 2009
    Available in Spanish.
    Final report of a study that sought to explore and compare aspects of resilience in the educational community of two-IISS-educational institutions of the city of Ayacucho with two educational institutions in the city of Cuzco in the face of the general violence and specifically political violence experienced in that region.

Middle East

  • New York Times documentary on Gaza.

South & South-East Asia

  • Parallel Governments
    Daya Somasundaram, University of Jaffna 2010
    This paper is a naturalistic and ecological ethnography of the period between 1980 and 2009 in northern Lanka, using participant observation, in-depth interviewing, focus groups, key informants, literature survey and critical inquiry techniques. The Lankan and Indian states and various Tamil militant groups vied for the control, loyalty, obedience and subservience of the civilian Tamil population through terror, counter-terror; the media, arts, history writing, in cyber space and other propaganda; democratic and extra-democratic means such as elections, relief, rehabilitation; and other methods. Community leaders were eliminated and dissent suppressed. Whole villages and communities have been displaced multiple times.
  • Aid and Violence: Development Policies and Conflict in Nepal
    Feinstein International Center, 2009
    This report aims to explore this question through a retrospective analysis of the development/conflict nexus in Nepal. It looks at the underlying causes of the Maoist success story in relation to donors鈥 development policies and assistance activities in Nepal and at their interplay with the conflict environment in which aid actors found themselves operating. The report focuses on the last decade (1996-2008), the period of the Maoist insurgency and of the subsequent largely successful peace process.

  • The mission of the Kalmunai Mental Health Association is to improve mental health services available in Kalmunai, Sri Lanka. To this end, its principles are: to provide mental health services at primary, second and tertiary levels; to provide services of good quality where and when they are needed; to provide services that will be organized at community level with community, family and consumer participation; to ensure mental health services will be linked to other sectors; to ensure mental health services will be culturally appropriate and evidence based; to protect the human rights and dignity of people with mental illnesses; to educate the public about the mental illnesses and their out comes in different levels with different tools; and to promote the primary prevention of mental disorders by yoga and other cultural methods.

  • The National Peace Council is a Sri Lankan organization dedicated to support a negotiated solution to the ongoing war in Sri Lanka. The NPC conducts advocacy, research, training, mobilization and dialogue, which are aimed at mobilizing the people towards peace and conflict transformation.

  • PRDA is the Sri Lankan counterpart of the Teasdale-Corti Trauma and Global Health Program.

  • In August 2008, TGH team member, Ananda Galapatti, was recognized for his "his spirited personal commitment to bring appropriate and effective psychosocial services to survivors of war and natural disasters in Sri Lanka." For a biography, please click .

  • WHO in South-East Asia

  • WHO is working closely with the Sri Lankan Ministry of Health to ensure healthcare services in the new camps for Internally Displaced people (IDPs). Following the Government of Sri Lanka鈥檚 180-day plan for rehabilitation and resettlement of the IDPs, the Health Cluster partners are focusing on two issues: continued healthcare services for IDPs who need to remain in the camps, and availability of healthcare services for those who re-settle in the villages.

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