Authorized borrowers

Please note: Authorized Borrowers are being discontinued with the implementation of two new services.

Faculty may now choose between one of two new services “Sponsored Borrower” system or the new “Proxy Borrower” system. The new Sponsored Borrower system allows a faculty member to request borrowing privileges for non-SM people. The new Proxy Borrower system allows a faculty member to have one or more individuals borrow materials on their behalf. Please review the information for both services and fill out the form to request the type of account that fits your situation.

Please note that theSponsored Borrowerand Proxy Borrowerservicesdo not includeremote access to electronic resourcesat the Libraries, nor does it give you access to all services and resources at the Libraries.

Please contact a library Information Desk if you have any questions about this transition. Additionally, contact an Information Desk if materials are checked out on the expiring Authorized Borrower account than need to be transferred to one of the new types of accounts.

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