- À¦°óSMÉçÇø users only
- Open access resource
- Free resource
- In-library-use only
- Catalogue record
Electronic Books
Hydrological and Bathymetric Data
- COADS Global Marine. Comprehensive Ocean-Atmosphere Data Set. 1800-1998.
Digital Maps and Geospatial Data
- Annual Arctic Ice Atlas. Canada.
- Bathymetry Of Lake Erie And Lake Saint Clair
- Bathymetry Of Lake Michigan
- Bathymetry Of Lake Ontario
- Black Sea Geographic Information System
- CanWater (GIS Data)
- Gebco Digital Atlas (General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans)
- Global GIS
- Basic attributes describing Canada's inland surface waters from Geobase.
- Includes: Drainage Areas, Catchments, Drainage Network, Hydrometric Gauging Stations and Station Basins.
- Aquatic Environment Monitoring System, City of Montreal.
- Saint Lawrence Wetland Mapping