Local CD available at the Walter Hitschfeld Geographic Information Centre Information desk. The call number is .
Access Requirements / Limits
Available to all users.
Coverage and Frequency
2004. No scheduled updates as yet.
The book “ArcGIS and the Digital City” by William E. Huxold, Eric M. Fowler, and Brian Parr walks users through exercises designed to acquaint them with the use of GIS for local government. The data included with this book includes CAD files, shapefiles, geodatabases, tabular data, and raster images of an imaginary city in the U.S.A. called ArcCity.
System Requirements
To view and extract vector and raster data from this CD, you may use ArcView 3.x or ArcGIS 9.x, available on the public workstations at the Walter Hitschfeld Geographic Information Centre. ArcGIS 9.x is strongly recommended, as the book exercises use ArcGIS 9.x. Please note that Photoshop is available to view the image data on the workstations.
User Guide / Search Tips
For additional information and documentation, consult “ArcGIS and the Digital City” by William E. Huxold, Eric M. Fowler, and Brian Parr, available at the Walter Hitschfeld Geographic Information Centre.