Research Faculty at Desautels

We differentiate ourselves at the Desautels Faculty of Management through a global approach in our teaching and research. Our professors come from all over the world, most have worked on research projects abroad, and many continue to have international collaborations – bringing a strong global perspective to all of our programs.

Meet the members of our leading international faculty

Accounting Finance Information Systems Marketing

Operations Management Organizational Behaviour Strategy & Organization


Preetika Joshi

Preetika Joshi
Assistant Professor

  • Big Data & Machine Learning
  • Capital Markets
  • Corporate Taxation

Dongyoung Lee


  • Capital Markets
  • Corporate Activities
  • Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Disclosure
  • International Business

Peter (Seung Hwan) Oh

Peter (Seung Hwan) Oh
Assistant Professor

  • Management Characteristics
  • Financing Constraints
  • Network Effects

Yongoh Roh

Yongoh Roh
Assistant Professor

  • Accounting Regulation
  • Capital Markets
  • Disclosure
  • Financial Reporting Fraud
  • Labour Market

Hongping Tan

Hongping Tan

  • Big Data & Machine Learning
  • Capital Markets
  • Corporate Finance
  • Data Analytics
  • Disclosure
  • International Finance
  • Law & Finance

Brian Wenzel

Brian Wenzel
Assistant Professor

  • Corporate Taxation
  • Consumption Taxes
  • Earnings Management

Jingjing Zhang

Associate Professor

  • Contract Economics
  • Corporate Governance
  • Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Firms' Disclosure Activities
  • Innovations

See all Faculty in Accounting >


Daniel Andrei

Daniel Andrei
Associate Professor

  • General Equilibrium Asset Pricing
  • Macro-Based Asset Pricing
  • Models of Information & Learning

Patrick Augustin


  • Derivatives
  • Empirical Asset Pricing
  • Insider Trading
  • International Finance
  • Law and Finance
  • Sovereign & Corporate Credit Risk

Paul Beaumont

Paul Beaumont
Assistant Professor


Associate Professor

  • Asset Allocation
  • Asset Pricing
  • Household Finance
  • Investment Management
  • Risk Management

Francesca Carrieri

Associate Professor

Issues of relevance for investors in international financial markets, such as:

  • Asset pricing issues (financial integration/segmentation, currency risk)
  • Portfolio management issues (industry and country portfolio diversification styles, relevance of foreign securities freely accessible to foreign investors)

Anisha Ghosh

Anisha Ghosh
Associate Professor

  • Asset Pricing
  • Financial Econometrics
  • Macroeconomics

Benjamin Croitoru

Associate Professor

  • Asset Pricing
  • Mutual & Hedge Funds
  • Portfolio Management
  • Risk Management

Adolfo De Motta

Associate Professor

  • Financial Crises
  • Leadership & Governance
  • Risk Management

Jan Ericsson

Associate Professor

  • Corporate Bonds
  • Credit Derivatives
  • Default Risk Premia
  • Financial Distress
  • Liquidity in Fixed Income Markets
  • Risk Management
  • Sovereign Default Risk

Vihang Errunza


  • Corporate Governance
  • Credit Risk
  • Currency Risk, Liquidity & Barriers to Cross-Border Investments
  • Global Asset Allocation
  • International Asset Pricing
  • Market Integration Versus Segmentation
  • Risk Management
  • Valuation & Portfolio Management in Emerging Markets

Ruslan Goyenko

Associate Professor

  • Asset Pricing
  • Mutual & Hedge Funds
  • Risk Management

Thomas Rivera

Thomas Rivera
Assistant Professor

Guillaume Roussellet

Guillaume Roussellet
Assistant Professor

  • Asset Pricing
  • Mutual & Hedge Funds
  • Sovereign Credit Risk
  • Statistical Methodology

Sergei Sarkissian

Associate Professor

  • Empirical Asset Pricing
  • Cross-listed Securities
  • Mutual Funds
  • Market Anomalies

David Schumacher

Associate Professor

  • Asset Pricing
  • Delegated Asset Management
  • International Finance

Katrin Tinn
Assistant Professor

  • Blockchain Economics
  • Corporate Finance
  • Finance
  • Models of Information & Learning
  • Technology & Innovation
  • VC

Gregory Weitzner

Gregory Weitzner
Assistant Professor

Begum Ipek Yavuz

Begum Ipek Yavuz
Assistant Professor

  • Corporate Finance
  • Corporate Governance
  • Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Impact Investing

See all Faculty in Finance >

Information Systems

Animesh Animesh


  • Impact of electronic marketplaces, digital business models, and online advertising on consumers, firms, and competitive dynamics
  • Impact of virtual world and social media platforms on firms performance as well as consumer experiences and behavior
  • Information diffusion and information search in digital economy
  • Designing computer supported coordination systems to enhance productivity and satisfaction

Genevieve Bassellier

Associate Professor

  • Dynamics between IT professionals and their business clients
  • Role of top management in IT strategic initiatives
  • Knowledge integration and adoption in geographically dispersed teams and online communities
  • Knowledge requirements in outsourcing
  • Role of emotions in technology use and adoption

Yolande E. Chan

Yolande E. Chan
Dean and James SM Professor

  • Business-IT Alignment
  • Business Value of IT
  • Digital Entrepreneurship
  • Digital Innovation
  • Information Technology Strategy
  • Knowledge Strategy

Elizabeth Han

Elizabeth Han
Assistant Professor

  • Behavioural Science
  • Emotions
  • Human-AI interaction
  • Online Behavior
  • Social Media

Kunsoo Han

Associate Professor

  • Economic Impacts & Risk/Return Implications of IT Outsourcing
  • Business Value of IT Innovation & Social Media
  • Impacts of Mobile Channels
  • Impact of IT on Human Capital

Taha Havakhor

Taha Havakhor
Associate Professor

  • Business-IT Alignment
  • Business Value of IT Innovation & Social Media
  • Business Value of IT
  • Digital Entrepreneurship
  • IT & Societal Change
  • Labour Issues in IT
  • Productivity

Warut Khern-am-nuai

Associate Professor

  • Platform for Online Marketplaces
  • Management of Information Security
  • Predictive Analytics

Liette Lapointe


  • Management of User Resistance
  • Fad, Fashion, & the Diffusion of Innovations
  • Reactions to IT Including Ambivalence
  • Use of Information Technology in Geriatrics
  • Impacts of Information Technology in Healthcare

Alain Pinsonneault


  • Organizational & Individual Impacts of Information Technology
  • User Adaptation
  • Social Networks
  • ERP Implementation
  • E-health, e-integration
  • Strategic Alignment of IT
  • Business Value of IT

Hyunji So

Hyunji So
Assistant Professor

Emmanuelle Vaast


  • Social practices & changes associated with Information Systems & innovation
  • Social media & emergence of new phenomena
  • Online communities & identity dynamics
  • Green IT & innovation for sustainability

Changseung (Chang) Yoo

Changseung (Chang) Yoo
Assistant Professor

  • Information Systems & Operations Management Interface
  • Digital Markets
  • Online Advertising
  • Retail

See all Faculty in Information Systems >


Bruce Doré

Bruce Doré
Assistant Professor

  • Consumer Neuroscience
  • Emotions
  • Marketing Communications
  • Social Influence

Laurette Dubé


  • Consumer Behaviour
  • Health Management
  • Healthcare Collaboration
  • International Collaboration
  • IT in Healthcare
  • Retail Marketing
  • Technology & Innovation

Hamid Etemad

Associate Professor

  • Corporate Social Entrepreneur
  • International Collaboration
  • Leadership & Governance
  • Social Enterprise
  • Social Entrepreneur
  • Social Innovation

Ernan Haruvy

Ernan Haruvy

  • Field Experiments
  • Law & Economics
  • Learning
  • Marketing Research Techniques & Survey Methodology
  • Online Advertising
  • Online Behavior
  • Operations-Marketing Interface
  • Optimization Under Uncertainty
  • Pricing & Revenue Management
  • Prosocial Behavior
  • Retailing
  • Statistical Methodology

Myung-Soo Jo

Associate Professor

  • Cross-cultural Consumer Behaviors
  • International Marketing

Yu Ma

Associate Professor

  • Big Data
  • Data Analytics
  • Food Marketing
  • Retailing
  • Retail Marketing

Ashesh Mukherjee

Associate Professor

  • Consumer Psychology
  • Marketing Communications
  • Online Behavior
  • Prosocial Behavior

Emine Sarigollu

Associate Professor

  • Brand Equity
  • Environmental Perceptions and Attitudes
  • Ethical Leadership
  • International Business
  • Marketing Research Techniques & Survey Methodology

Demetrios Vakratsas


  • Advertising
  • Creativity
  • Health Care
  • Innovations
  • Marketing/Consumer Analytics

Clarice Zhao

Clarice Zhao
Assistant Professor

    See all Faculty in Marketing >

    Operations Management

    Maxime Cohen

    Maxime Cohen

    • Data Science
    • Empirical/Behavioral Operations Management
    • Field Experiments
    • Platform for Online Marketplaces
    • Pricing & Revenue Management
    • Retail

    Yichuan (Daniel) Ding

    Yichuan (Daniel) Ding
    Associate Professor

    • Big Data & Machine Learning
    • Health Care
    • Optimization Under Uncertainty

    Sanjith Gopalakrishnan

    Sanjith Gopalakrishnan
    Assistant Professor

    • Information, Incentives, and Fairness
    • Supply Chain Management
    • Sustainable and Socially Responsible Operations
    • Sustainable Value Chains

    Mehmet Gumus


    • Consumer Behaviour
    • Information Environment
    • Revenue Management
    • Risk Management
    • Supply Chain Management
    • Transportation/Logistics

    Rim Hariss

    Rim Hariss
    Assistant Professor

    • Big Data & Machine Learning
    • Data Analytics
    • Dynamic Pricing & Inventory Control
    • Empirical/Behavioral Operations Management
    • Retail Operations Management
    • Revenue Management

    Javad Nasiry

    Javad Nasiry

    • Behavioural Operations
    • Empirical Operations-Finance Interface
    • Operations-Marketing Interface
    • Retail Operations Management
    • Supply Chain Management

    Saibal Ray


    • Emerging Markets
    • Empirical/Behavioral Operations Management
    • Retail Operations Management
    • Supply Chain Risk Management

    Juan Serpa

    Juan Serpa
    Associate Professor

    • Government Operations
    • Productivity
    • Supply Chain Management
    • Supply Chain Risk Management

    Morty Yalovsky

    Associate Professor

    • Data Analytics
    • Forecasting Methods & Regression Modelling
    • Risk Management
    • Statistical Methodology

    See all Faculty in Operations Management >

    Organizational Behaviour

    Lisa Cohen

    Associate Professor

    • Human Resource Management
    • Labour Issues
    • Labour Market
    • Managerial Careers
    • Organization/Job Structure
    • Organizational Theory
    • Recruitment

    Diana Dakhlallah

    Diana Dakhlallah
    Assistant Professor

    • Behavioural Science
    • Development
    • Economic Sociology
    • Global Health
    • Health Care
    • Malfeasance
    • Political Economy

    John-Paul Ferguson

    John-Paul Ferguson

    • Labour Force & Labour Market
    • Managerial Careers
    • Mechanisms of Inequality in Markets, Occupations & Organizations
    • Organizational Structures & Strategy
    • Organizational Theory

    Roman Galperin

    Roman Galperin
    Associate Professor

    Alfred Jaeger

    Associate Professor

    • Comparative Management Across Cultural Boundaries
    • Cross-cultural/Multicultural Management
    • Leadership & Governance
    • Management in Developing Countries
    • Methods for Organizational Change
    • Organizational Structures and Strategy

    Anthony Masi


    • Comparative Labour & Industrial Policies, & International Employment Relations
    • Demography and Population Studies, including business demography & the demography of corporations
    • Labour Force & Labour Market, with an emphasis on Italy
    • Labour-Management Relations

    Amandine Ody-Brasier

    Amandine Ody-Brasier
    Associate Professor


      Associate Professor

      • Construal levels
      • Creativity
      • Learning
      • Social Hierarchies

      Brian Rubineau

      Associate Professor

      • Mechanisms of Inequality in Markets, Occupations, & Organizations
      • Professional Socialization
      • Social Network Analysis
      • Computational & Mathematical Modeling of Social Systems

      See all Faculty in Organizational Behaviour >

      Strategy & Organization

      Kwangjun An

      Kwangjun An
      Assistant Professor

      • Competitive Strategy
      • Economic Sociology
      • Entrepreneurship
      • Organizational Theory
      • Social Networks
      • Strategic Management

      Sen Chai

      Sen Chai
      Associate Professor

      Robert David


      • Emergence of New Industries & Transformation of Mature Industries
      • Organizational Response to Institutional Pressure
      • Evolution of Management Practices
      • Institutions & Entrepreneurship

      Daphne Demetry

      Daphne Demetry
      Assistant Professor

      • Organization Theory
      • Economic Sociology
      • Entrepreneurship
      • Culture & Consumption

      Samer Faraj


      • Complex collaboration and the emergence of new organizational forms in a variety of settings such as: trauma care, hospital care, urgent care clinics, family care clinics, knowledge teams, and online communities
      • How health IT is transforming urgent care clinics and family medicine both in Montreal and in the USA
      • The emergence of data intensive science as a transformational event in health science research
      • How new technology entanglements are transforming organizations and allowing new forms of organizing to emerge

      Anna Kim

      Anna Kim
      Associate Professor

      Saku Mantere

      Associate Professor

      • Health Management
      • Integrated Management
      • Organization Identity
      • Organizational Theory
      • Strategic Management
      • Strategy Process

      Henry Mintzberg


      • Managing the Myths of Healthcare
      • Public, Private & Social Organizations in a Balanced Society

      Robert Nason

      Robert Nason
      Associate Professor

      • Behavioural Strategy
      • Economic Inequality
      • Entrepreneurship
      • Family Business
      • Informal Economy

      Elena Obukhova

      Associate Professor

      • China
      • Chinese Economy & Society
      • Cross-cultural/Multicultural Management
      • Economic Sociology
      • Emerging Markets
      • International Business
      • Labour Force & Labour Market
      • Managerial Careers
      • Organizational Theory
      • Social Networks

      Paola Perez-Aleman

      Associate Professor

      • Clusters & Networks
      • Developing Countries
      • Economic Development
      • Emerging Market Strategy
      • Entrepreneurship
      • Government & Business
      • Innovation & Entrepreneurship
      • International Management
      • Social Innovation
      • Sustainable Development
      • Sustainable Value Chains
      • Technology & Innovation

      See all Faculty in Strategy and Organization >

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