
CMHRU Meetings 2020

Wednesday Research Meetings

ICFP, Room 218B and Virtual
3:00 – 5:00


Healing Fictions: Myth, Metaphor and Archetype in Narrative Transformations of the Self (January 15)
Laurence Kirmayer

A Tutorial on Active Inference: From the Predictive Brain to Socio-cultural Regimes of Expectations (January 22)
Maxwell Ramstead

Landscapes of Memory: Narrative, History and Catastrophe (January 29)
Laurence Kirmayer

A Trip to Save a Life: Psychedelics and the Untraveled Road to Recovery (February 5)
Jessica Cadoch

The Texture of Time (February 19)
Laurence Kirmayer

The Horsemen of Montreal: A Reflection about Ethics, Mental Health and Exclusion from Care (March 4)
Vincent Laliberté

The Politics and Poetics of Alterity (August12)
Laurence Kirmayer

Asklepian Dreams: The Ethos of the Wounded Healer (August 19)
Laurence Kirmayer

Toward a Medicine of Imagination (August 26)
Laurence Kirmayer

A Context-Informed Perspective of Child Risk and Protection in Israel: Deconstructing Myths in the Risk Discourse (September 23)
Yochay Nadan

Ethnic Differences in Coercive Interventions and its Influence on Help-Seeking Behaviours Among Black First Episode Psychosis Patients (September 30)
Sommer Knight

Writing for Publication (October 7)
Laurence Kirmayer

A Variational Approach to Scripts (October 21)
Mahault Albarracin

Embodiment, Psychosis, and Frictions in the First Episode Clinic (October 28)
Suze Berkhout

First Episode Psychosis in Chennai, India and Montreal, Canada (November 4)
Aarati Taksal

Social Inclusion of Individuals with Dementia and their Carers: Results of a Participatory Mixed-Methods Study (November 18)
Rossio Motta

The Social Shaping of Contemplative Experience (November 25)
Michael Lifshitz

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