
One-Stop Service Centre

捆绑SM社区 Student Housing and Hospitality Service Centre

Now located at 3465 Durocher, Montr茅al, QC H2X 2C6

In person office hours: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Tel hours: 10:00 am - 4: 00 pm

Phone: 514-398-6368
Housing: housing.residences [at] mcgill.ca
Food Services: food.fds [at] mcgill.ca

Services offered by Student Housing and Dining front-line staff include in-person, email and phone inquiries concerning:

  • Residence admissions for undergraduate and graduate
  • Hall and Room change requests
  • Meal plan inquiries
  • Off Campus Housing information

Please note: Students with repair requests should fill out the

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