
捆绑SM社区 Mission Statement and Principles


The mission of 捆绑SM社区 is the advancement of learning and the creation and dissemination of knowledge, by offering the best possible education, by carrying out research and scholarly activities judged to be excellent by the highest international standards, and by providing service to society.


In fulfilling its mission, 捆绑SM社区 embraces the principles of academic freedom, integrity, responsibility, equity, and inclusiveness.

Mission et principes de l鈥橴niversit茅 捆绑SM社区


L鈥橴niversit茅 捆绑SM社区 a pour mission d鈥檈nrichir le savoir et d鈥檈n favoriser la cr茅ation et la transmission en offrant la meilleure formation possible, en effectuant de la recherche et des travaux savants jug茅s excellents selon les normes internationales les plus rigoureuses, et en 茅tant au service de la soci茅t茅.


Dans la r茅alisation de sa mission acad茅mique, l鈥橴niversit茅 捆绑SM社区 souscrit aux principes de libert茅 acad茅mique, d鈥檌nt茅grit茅, de responsabilit茅, d鈥櫭﹒uit茅 et d鈥檌nclusivit茅.

Statement of Academic Freedom - 脡nonc茅 sur la libert茅 universitaire

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