
Administrative Structure

Departmental Committees

All committees, with the exception of the Competence subcommittee, have elected resident representation.

Executive subcommittee

Under Revision – a complete description will be provided soon.

Education subcommittee

Terms of Reference: See one45.

Department of Psychiatry Program Directors' subcommittee

Terms of Reference: See one45.

Residency Program committee

Chaired by the program directors (Drs. Low and Noël), and composed of six hospital training directors (DH, JGH, MCH, MUHC, SMH, CHPJ), and three resident representatives. The residency program committee meets every two months to review and plan for the program following pedagogical principles.

Competency-Based Medical Education subcommittee

Chaired by the program directors (Drs. Low and Noël), composed of six hospital training directors (DH, JGH, MCH, MUHC, SMH, CHPJ), Drs Carlos Andres Gomez-Garibello and Fernanda Claudio (PGME), Dr Marc Chammas, Dr Paulina Bajsarowicz, Dr Ruben Martins and three resident representatives. The CBME program subcommittee meets every 2 months to review and plan for the review and implementation of the CBME curriculum.

Curriculum subcommittee

Chaired by Dr Robert Biskin and composed of all centralized teaching module chairs and a resident representative. This subcommittee functions to create and evaluate the centralized teaching program and it meets on an ad hoc basis.

Selection subcommittee

Chaired by the program directors (Drs Low and Noël), its mandate is to recruit, screen, interview, and rank all applicants.

Competence subcommittee

The competence subcommittee meets to review the files of residents in academic difficulty. It is chaired by Dr Daniel Zigman and composed of five hospital training directors (DH, JGH, MCH, MUHC, SMH).. The competence subcommittee meets monthly to review the progress of residents on probation, experiencing academic or conduct difficulties and of those who require/request exceptions to the program rules and regulations regarding training guidelines (changing rotation after deadline, requesting exemption of training, sick leave, maternity and paternity leave, etc.).

Safety subcommittee

Chaired by Dr Robert Biskin and composed of members from the five hospital training sites (DH, JGH, MCH, MUHC, SMH) and resident representation (COPE rep and a senior resident). The mandate of the subcommittee is to review relevant incidents and near misses affecting residents, monitor facilities and services for safe practices, respond to concerns that arise in order to carry out sufficient investigation and review and make recommendations regarding both facilities and policies, and oversee education in risk assessment and safety for residents. This subcommittee will make recommendations to the RPC and departmental chair regarding resident assignment if safety is a concern.

Research subcommittee

This subcommittee is co-chaired by Dr Eduardo Chachamovich and Dr Robert Biskin and includes Dr Soham Rej and a resident representative. The activities of this subcommittee are to provide general orientation in research for all residents, run the Research Track training program, review and approve research electives, organize a research day for residents involved in research, and provide mentoring, guidance and support for the Scholarly Project Track and resources for research activities.

Psychotherapy subcommittee

Chaired by Dr Robert Biskin. The subcommittee includes representatives from each site and each major modality of psychotherapy taught. Representation from centralized teaching psychotherapy module chairs is also included. The mandate of this subcommittee is to review training requirements to match the RC guidelines, ensure optimal resident psychotherapy exposure and supervision, and to plan the implementation of psychotherapy training. It reports to the RPC.

Assistant Chief Residents

Residents (PGY3 and up) may apply to be chief residents at the following sites (DH, JGH, MCH, MGH, RVH). Technically, this is recognized by the RAMQ as an assistant chief resident position, .

These positions are essentially part-time elective rotations in administrative psychiatry. They entail a two half-day per week time commitment, weekly supervision with a faculty member regarding issues pertaining to the manager role, and a reduction of on-call duties. Note that due to the time commitment this activity may not be done at the same time as a research half-day.

Teaching Fellows

Residents (PGY2 and up) may apply to be teaching fellows at the following sites (DH, JGH, MGH, RVH, SMH). These positions are essentially part-time elective rotations in medical education. They entail a half-day per week time commitment, weekly supervision with the undergraduate training director at that site regarding the development of teaching skills, and a reduction of on-call duties.

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