BSc Programs


Course Schedule: Timetable information will be available on Minerva.

Undergraduate Studies: Programs

Liberal Program

This program requires 46-50 credits. Students are also required to do at least one minor or minor concentration in another discipline.Core Physiology program provides a sound background in Physiology and related biomedical sciences. this program coupled with a minor selected from Arts & Science will provide a well-rounded educational experience. Course Requirements for this Program

Major Program

The Major program provides a stronger core content of anatomy, chemistry and biochemistry, along with more concentrated training in Physiology as it requires a total of 64(65) prescribed credits, but among these are 18 credits of options in upper level courses, allowing for “streaming” along lines of interest in various areas of physiology and related biomedical sciences. Course Requirements for this Program

Honours Program

The Honours program becomes more specialized in Physiology during the final two years, requiring a total of 75(79) science credits. The program may be entered in the second year of a three year program and the third year of a four year program, it is restricted to a limited number of students who are selected on the basis of good performance and motivation. The goals of the Honours program are to provide students with an in-depth knowledge of physiology and related biomedical sciences.

Admissions to the Honours Program

All admissions to the Honours Program will be in U2, and a student must have a U1 GPA of 3.3, with no less than a B in PHGY-209 and PHGY210. Continuation in the program requires a U2 CGPA of 3.2 with no less than a B in required U2 Physiology courses. Student standing in required U2 courses will heavily influence decisions regarding the U3 year. To graduate from the Honours Program, the student must have a CGPA of 3.2, with no less than a B in all required Physiology courses.

Course Requirements for this Program & Admissions Information. Please complete and return theApplication Form

Program Requirements

All Upper Level Physiology and Upper Level Science courses are to be approved by the advisor.

All 396 research courses in any Department do not count towards the Upper Level Science requirements.

Any substitutions that are made by an advisor, must be indicated on the appropriate Departmental form and submitted to the Student Affairs Officer, Room 1022, McIntyre Medical Building.

A minimum grade of “C” must be achieved in all required courses.

Anyone who takes Psychology PSYC 308 cannot take Physiology PHGY 201 or 209.

Anyone who takes Psychology PSYC 204 or Mathematics MATH 203 cannot take Biology BIOL 373. The Department does not consider PSYC 204 or MATH 203 and BIOL 373 to be equivalent courses. If you have taken PSYC 204 or MATH 203 then you must take BIOL 309. The Honours Immunology Program is the only exception to this requirement.

Interdepartmental and Joint Programs

Major Physiology & Physics

This program requires 82 credits and was designed specifically for students with a strong aptitude in physics and mathematics, who wish to pursue careers in the biological or biomedical sciences. The program provides a solid foundation in major areas of physics and mathematics, together with a substantial training in physiology, which accounts for about one-third of the required credits. Students should see one of the program advisors at the start of their first year. Course Requirements for this Program

Major Physiology & Mathematics

This program requires 79 credits and like the major in Physiology & Physics, this is a highly specialized program, geared towards students who have a strong interest in mathematics. Students should see one of the program advisors at the start of their first year. Course Requirements for this Program

Interdepartmental Honours Immunology


This program was established in 1973, as a joint venture of the Departments of Biochemistry, Microbiology and Immunology, and Physiology, and reflects the strong interest and research activities in immunology of these three departments. This is a demanding, highly structured program, which has the advantage of preparing the student for graduate training in immunology in any one of the three participating departments.

This program requires 75 credits which are comprised of basic science courses in cell and molecular biology, microbiology, biochemistry and physiology. And complementary credits may be selected from a broad selection of science courses. The are free elective credits, enabling the student to explore related science disciplines. Finally, an undergraduate research project, seminar and thesis provide an opportunity to directly experience research work in a laboratory with a professor of immunology.

Minor Programs in Science

The Department encourages students to consider combining their Undergraduate Physiology degree with a minor program in one other science discipline or a minor concentration in one of the arts subjects (these require 18-24 credits). Some of the more popular ones with Physiology students in the past have been Biotechnology, Computer Science, Management, Neuroscience, Pharmacology, Psychology, and Statistics. At least 20 more science minor programs and more than 60 minor concentrations in Arts are available to science students. Refer to the Undergraduate Program 2005/06 calendar on pages 300 and 301

Recommended Electives

The Department urges students to strengthen their background in Chemistry, Computer Science, Mathematics, and Physics, by including courses from the following list among their elective credits: CHEM 214, COMP 202, MATH 222, PHYS 208/224

Student Exchange Program

Students who are interested have the opportunity to complete one term or a year of their program at another Canadian university or abroad. We strongly encourage any U1 student who might be interested in our exchange program to come and speak to our Student Affairs Officer:

Ms. Sonia Viselli
Department of Physiology
McIntyre Medical Sciences Building, Room 1022
3655 Promenade Sir William Osler
Montreal, Quebec
H3G 1Y6
(514) 398-3689
sonia.viselli [at]

Advising Hours

Tuesdays 9:30-12Noon and 2:00-3:00PM
Thursdays 9:30-12Noon and 2:00-3:00PM
Appointments available upon request

SM Student Exchanges and Study Abroad

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