Career Planning Advice

Mock Interviews

Even students who have very polished public speaking skills tend to find a mock interview in advance of the “real” interviews to be very useful. It can help you to identify specific points you need to articulate more clearly and topics you should think about more deeply. Your friends and family can serve as excellent simulated interviewers, but there are also more formal resources available:

  1. The Medicine Career Planning Office offers individual mock interviews on a first-come, first-served basis, so make your appointments early! If you wait until the week before CaRMS’ interview period, we may not have any spots left. Set up your mock interview.
  2. Our colleague's CaPS (SM Career Planning Service) partners with us to offer mock interviews specifically tailored to a medical residency.

Please note that, in order to accommodate the most possible students, only one mock interview per student will be given.

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