Umar Farouq Haruna

Umar Farouq Haruna, Ph.D. (Year 3)

Haruna Umar Farouq is a Ph.D. student at the Institute of Islamic studies at SM. He has also earned a Ph.D. in Stylistics in Modern Arabic Literature from the University of Malaya, Malaysia. Before joining SM, Umar Farouq was a lecturer of Arabic literature and Arabic Literary Criticism at Al-Hikmah University, Ilorin, Nigeria. Umar Farouq’s research delves into the intricate world of Sufi shrines in Nigeria, exploring the delicate balance between their contemporary legacy and survival. Through in-depth research and analysis, the thesis hope to shed light on the cultural significance, historical evolution, and social dynamics surrounding these mystical spaces. It looks to offer a nuanced understanding of how Sufi shrines navigate the complexities of modernity while maintaining their traditional practices, beliefs, and relevance in Nigerian society.


Ph.D., Stylistics in Modern Arabic Literature, University of Malaya, 2016

M.A., Arabic Literary Studies, International Islamic University Malaysia, 2013

B.A., Arabic Studies, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, 2010

Areas of interest:Islamic Mysticism, Sufism in West Africa & Nigeria, Sufi Shrines, Stylistics/Rhetoric in Classical and Modern Arabic Literature, Arabic Literary Criticism

Research Topic:Sufi Shrines in Nigeria: Between Its Contemporary Legacy and Survival



HARUNA, U.F. & Salahudeen Bin Moh'd Shamsudeen (2015): Taodheeful Adab wa'Shi'r fi Ta'leemil-Lugah Al-A'rabiyyah fi Nigeria; Madeenatu Ilorin Unmouzajan,

(توظيف الأدب والشعر في تعليم اللغة العربية في نيجيريا، مدينة إلورن أنموذجا). Al-Dad Journal: University of Malaya Journal of Arabic Studies.Vol. 1. Apr. 2015. pp.236-256. ISSN: 1118-0161.

HARUNA, U.F. & Mat Taib Bin Pa (2015): Al-Qadhy Umar Ibraheem: Shakhsiyatuhu wa Dawruhu fi Tathweeri Asasiyyati Ashi'ri Al-Arabi fi Biladi Al-Hausa,

(القاضي عمر إبراهيم: شخصيته ودوره في تطوير أساسيات الشعر العربي في بلاد الهوسا). Al-Dad Journal: University of Malaya Journal of Arabic Studies.Vol. 2. Nov. 2015. pp.190-207. ISSN: 1118-0161.

HARUNA, U.F & Ibraheem Mikail Abiola & Maruf Raji Owoyemi (2016): Historical Investigation to the Problems and Challenges of Muslims in Papua New Guinea. International Journal of Culture and History. Vol. 2., No.1. March 2016. pp.46-49. ISSN: 10.18178.

HARUNA, UF & Lasisi Abass Ayodele (2016). Effect of Traditional Curriculum on Modern Integrated Curriculum of Islamic Schools in Nigeria. Journal of Creative Writing. (). Vol.2. Issue.1. pp.51-60. ISSN: 2410-6259.

HARUNA, UF (2016): The City of Ilorin: Its Islamization and Arabization.

[مدينة إلورن: إسلاميتها وعربيتها] Gombe: Voyage Journal of Religious Studies, Gombe State University, Nigeria.Vol.2. pp.45-71. ISSN: 2504-9046.

HARUNA, U.F. & Maruf Raji Owoyemi (2017): Al-qiyamul Akhlaqiyyah fi Al-Adab As-Sha'bi Al-Neyjiri wa Mada Tawafuquha ma'a Al-qiyamil Akhlaqiyyah fi Al-Islam Dirasatan Tahleeliyyah: Riwayatu Qasabul Mukhayyam Namouzajan

[القيم الأخلاقية في الأدب الشعبي النيجيري ومدى توافقها مع القيم الأخلاقية في الإسلام: دراسة تحليلية رواية قصب المخيم نموذجا]. Allawh: Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies, University of Maiduguri, Nigeria.Vol.6. No. 2. Jan, 2017. pp. 95-112. ISSN: 1595-5567.

HARUNA, UF (2017): Assessing the Factors Influencing Students' Learning Arabic Language in Nigerian Schools. Journal of Creative Writing. (). Vol.3. Issue.1. pp.18-31. ISSN: 2410-6259.

HARUNA, U.F. (2018): Masaadiru As-Shi'ril Arabi fi Madeenati Ilorin wa Khasaaisuha Al-faniyyah.

مصادر الشعر العربي في مدينة إلورن وخصائصها الفنية)). Al-Asolah: Journal of Arabic/Islamic Studies, Al-Hikmah University, Ilorin.Vol. 1, No. 2. Dec, 2018 pp.01-09. ISSN:2141-6885.

HARUNA, U.F. (2018): Lamahaatun 'an Ba'd Agradh As-Shi'ri Al-Arabi wa Simatiha lada Al-Hausawiyyeen: Dirasatan Adabiyatan Faniyyah

(لمحات عن بعض أغراض الشعر العربي وسماتها لدى الهوساويين: دراسة أدبية فنية). Al-Asolah: Journal of Arabic/Islamic Studies, Al-Hikmah University, Ilorin.Vol. 1, No. 2 Dec, 2018. pp.58-74. ISSN:2141-6885.

HARUNA, U.F. (2019): Ab'adut-Tanaas fi Fahmi An-Nassi Al-Adabi: Maqaalatu "Ar-Rahmah" Lil-Manfalouty Namouzajan.

(أبعاد التناص في فهم النص الأدبي: مقالة "الرحمة" للمنفلوطي نموذجًا). Al-Hikmah: Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences. Vol.5. No. 1. Dec, 2019. pp.293-305.

HARUNA, U.F. (2019): Fahwal Mufaraqah fi Tahleeli An-Nassy Al-A'rabi (Dirasatan Adabiyyah) Nadhariyyatan wa Tathbeeqiyyah

(فحوى المفارقة في تحليل النص العربي (دراسة أدبية): نظرية وتطبيقية). Al-Hikmah: Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences. Vol.5. No. 1. Dec, 2019. pp.306-318.

Co-edited Books:

AL-IMAM, ARA (2017): عن صحيح البخاري "About Saheehul Bukhaary". Translated/Edited by U.F Haruna. Pp.03-11. ISBN 978-8090-93-4/2018.

Talks, Conferences, and Workshops:

"Training of Trainers programme organised by the Student Learning Enhancement Unit (SLEU), International Islamic University Malaysia, held at Kalumpang Resort and Training Centre, Kuala Kubu Baru, Hulu Selangor, Selangor, between 11th and 13th April, 2012.

Leadership and Innovation Management Workshop organised by Alumni and Career Services Division, International Islamic University, Malaysia, on 27th April, 2012.

Service-Learning Workshop by Sreyashi Sen organised by Alumni and Career Services Division, International Islamic University, Malaysia, on 8th – 9th June, 2012.

Living in Harmony: Australia-Malaysia Youth Leadership and Cross-Cultural Dialogue Conference 2010, organised by International Cooperation and Exchange Office, International Islamic University, Malaysia in Collaboration with Forum on Australia's Islamic Relations, held on 16th August 2012.

HARUNA, U.F (2012): Taodheeful Adab wa'Shi'r fi Ta'leemil-Lugah Al-A'rabiyyah fi Nigeria; Madeenatu Ilorin Unmouzajan,

(توظيف الأدب والشعر في تعليم اللغة العربية في نيجيريا، مدينة إلورن أنموذجا) Organized by Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Faculty of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences, held at International Islamic University, Kuala Lumpur - Malaysia, on 14th and 18th November, 2012.

Journalism workshop by the New Straits Times Press (M) BHD organised by Industrial Networking & Practical Training Section, Alumni and Career Services Division, International Islamic University, Malaysia, on 21st – 23rd June, 2013.

International Conference on Strategies of Scientific Research in the Universities of the Muslim World: Reality and Prospects organised by International Institute for Muslim Unity, held on 6th-8th July, 2013 at Senate Hall, International Islamic University, Malaysia.

HARUNA U.F. (2015): Al-Qadhy Umar Ibraheem: Shakhsiyatuhu wa Dawruhu fi Tathweeri Asasiyyati Ashi'ri Al-Arabi fi Biladi Al-Hausa,

(القاضي عمر إبراهيم: شخصيته ودوره في تطوير أساسيات الشعر العربي في بلاد الهوسا) Organized by Department of Islamic Studies and Shariah in Collaboration with Centre for Qur'anic Studies, held at Bayero University, Kano, on 14th and 18th May, 2015. Pp 130-131.

Email: umar.haruna [at] (Umar Haruna)

Supervisor:Sara Abdel-Latif

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