

Indo-Islamic History


Mir'at al-‘Alam: History of Emperor Awangzeb ‘Alamgir (Political History), vol. 1 (Lahore: Research Society of Pakistan, University of Punjab, 1979), 490 pp.

Mir'at al-‘Alam: History of Emperor Awangzeb ‘Alamgir (The Biographies of the ‘ulama', Sufis, Calligraphers and Poets), Vol. II (Lahore: Research Society of Pakistan, University of Punjab, 1979), 400 pp.

Articles and Notes:

"The Historians of Awangzeb: A Comparative Study of Three Primary Sources." Essays on Islamic Civilization Presented to Niyazi Berkes, D.P. Little, ed., (Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1976), 57-73.

"Tarikh-i Husayniyah: An Unknown Source for the History of Awadh." Der Islam Hamburg, West Germany, 58,1(1981): 136-146. Refereed.

"Ahmad ‘Ali Hashemi Sandilavi," (late Eighteenth and early Nineteenth Century tazkira writer). Encyclopaedia Iranica, London, 1984, vol. 1, 646.

"Alam II, Shah," (Mughal ruler, 1759-1806). Encyclopaedia Iranica, London, 1985, vol. 1, 791.

"Muhammad Bakhtawar Khan (d. 1685)," an historian of Mughal emperor Awrang­zeb. Encycolopaedia Iranica, New York, 1988, vol. 3, 541-42.

Political Thought, Religion and Politics


Advice on the Art of Governance: An Indo-Islamic Mirror for Princes (Mau‘izahi Jahangiri) of Muhammad Baqir Najmi Sani Persian Text with Introduction, Translation, and Notes (Albany: State University of New York Press, 1989), 224pp.


"Mazhar-i Shahjahani and the Mughal Province of Sind: A Discourse on Political Ethics." Islam and Indian Regions, Texts, Beitrage zur Sudasienforschung Sudasien-Institut Universitat Heidelberg, 145, Anna.L. Dallapiccola and Stephanie Z. Lallemant, eds., (Franz Steiner Verlag Stuttgart, 1993), vol. 1, 239-258.

"Shi‘ism in India During Jahangir's Reign: Some Reflections." Journal of the Pakistan Historical Society Karachi, Pakistan, 27, 1(1979): 39-65.

"Religion and State During the Reign of Mughal Emperor Jahangir (1605-27): Nonjuristical Perspectives." Studia Islamica, Paris, France, 69(1989): 95-119.

Islam, Sufism, Islamic Renewal and Reform

Articles and Notes:

"Qazi Sana'-Allah Panipati, An Eighteenth-Century Indian Sufi-‘Alim: A Study of His Writings in Their Sociopolitical Context." Islamic Studies Presented to Charles J. Adams, W. Hallaq and D. Little, eds., (Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1991), 11-25.

"The Mujaddid and Tajdid Traditions in the Indian Subcontinent: An Historical Overview." Journal of Turkish Studies SchimmelFestschrift), Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass., 18 (1994): 1-15.

"Islam in South Asia." The Muslim Almanac: A Reference Work on the History, Faith, Culture, and Peoples of Islam, Azim Nanji, ed., (Gale Research Inc., 1995), 55-72.

"Foreword," Islam: Its Roots and Wings, A Primer, V. S. Behiery and A. M. Guenther (Canadian Council of Muslim Women: 2000), i-ix.

The Naqshbandi Mujaddidi Sufi Order’s Ascendancy in Cenral Asia Through the Eyes of its Masters and Disciples (1010s-1200s/1600s-1800s). Reason and Inspiration in Islam: Theology, Philosophy and Mysticism in Muslim Thought, essays in Honour of Hermann Landolt, Todd Lawson, ed., (London: I. B. Tauris, 2005), 418-431.

“Introduction to Islam and Islamic Tradition.â€( 2005). See

Islamic Sites in Montreal, editor and supervisor. Asian Religion and Ethics Research Unit À¦°óSMÉçÇø. See

Encyclopaedia Notes:

"Muhammad ‘Ali Lahori (1874-1951)," (a leading scholar of Islam and founder of the Lahori branch of the Ahmadiyya movement). The Encyclopaedia of Religion, New York, 1987, vol. 8, 423.

" 'Abd al-'Aziz, Shah (d. 1824)". Encyclopedia of the Modern Islamic World, Oxford University Press, New York, 1995, 99-101.

"Thanesari Shaykh Djalal al-Din (d. 1582)". Encyclopaedia of Islam, New Edition, Leiden, 1999, vol. 10, 442.

“Wali Allah, Shah (d. 1762). Encyclopedia of Religion, Encyclopedia of Religion, 2nd ed. Detroit: Macmillan Reference, 2005, Vol. 14, 9665-9667.

Women’s Issues


Wanita Dalam Masyarakat Indonesia: Akses, Pemberdayaan dan Kesempatan (Women in Indonsian Society: Access, Empowerment and Opportunity), co-edited with Atho Mudzhar (Yogyakarta: Sunan Kalijaga Press, 2001), 364pp. (Collection of essays in Bahasa Indonesia, presented at the international conference held in Jakarta, Indonesia, December,1997).

Women in Indonesian Society: Access, Empowerment and Opportunity, co-edited with Atho Mudzhar (Yogyakarta, Indonesia: Sunan Kalijaga Press, 2002). 246+xvi pp.

The Muslim Veil in North America: Issues and Debates, co-edited with Homa Hoodfar and Sheila McDonough, (Toronto: Women’s Press, 2003), 306+xxiv pp.

Chapters and Articles:

“Unpacking the symbolism of the Muslim Veil,†co-authored with Sheila McDonough, Ecumenism (Women of Faith in the World’s Religion), No. 115, September (1994).

“Muslim Women and Society,†(comprises an introduction and editing of two excerpts taken from Fatima Mernissi’s The Forgotten Queens of Islam ,and Ruth Moore’s Ph.D. dissertation, “Women and Warriors@in An Anthology of Islamic Studies, Howard M. Federspiel, ed. (Montreal: Institute of Islamic Studies, 1996), vol. 2, 235-285.

“Evidence, Inheritance, “H³Ü»å³Ü»åâ€: Introduction and Comparative Perspective†in the Proceedings, International Conference on Islamic Laws and Women in the Modern World>/cite>,1996. (Islamabad n. d.): 96-97, 129-132, 147-149, 165.

“Career Development of Women in Indonesian Society: A Study of Highly Successful Career Women,†co-authored with Sabir Alvi, in Women in Indonesian Society: Access, Empowerment, Opportunity: Conference Proceedings, Jakarta, Indonesia. (Yogyakarta: 2002), 111-133.

“The Canadian Council of Muslim Women: A Chapter in the History of Muslim Women in Canada,†co-authored with Sheila McDonough, The Muslim World, nos. 1&2 (Spring 2002): 79-98.

“Muslim Women and Islamic Religious Tradition: A Historical Overview and Contemporary Issues,†The Muslim Veil in North America: Issues and Debates, co-edited with Homa Hoodfar and Sheila McDonough, (Toronto, Canadian Scholar’s Press, 2003), 145-180.

“Introduction,†ibid, xi-xxiv, co-author.

Persian and Urdu Literature

“Buzurg Alavi’s Writings from Prison.†The Muslim World. Hartford Seminary Foundation, 67,3(1977): 205 222. Reprinted in Critical Perspectives on the Literature of Iran, Thomas M. Ricks, ed., and compiler (Washington, D. C., Three Continents Press, 1984), 274 291.

“Urdu Literature from Prison: Some Reflections on the Writings of Pakistani Prisoners of War in India.†Journal of the Research Society of Pakistan. Lahore, Pakistan, 19, 3(1982): 43 54.

Pedagogy and Textbooks

Urdu for Children: Book One, Junior and Senior Kindergarten & Grade One, comprising (Two textbooks, Teacher’s Manual, Workbook & two Audio cassettes), editor and project director, À¦°óSMÉçÇø-Queen’s University Press, 1997.

Urdu for Children: Book Two, Grades Two and Three comprising (Two textbooks), Let’s Read Urdu, 2 volumes, Teacher’s Manual, Workbooks, 2 volumes & two CDs, editor and project director, À¦°óSMÉçÇø-Queen’s University Press, 2004.

Details of Urdu books are provided at the following links:

Book Reviews Excluded

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