About us

Library Services

The Neuro-​Patient Resource Cen­tre (NPRC), also known as InfoNeuro, is located in Room354of The Neuro (Montreal Neurological Institute-Hospital).

Book Collection

We have an excel­lent col­lec­tion of books on neu­ro­log­i­cal and neu­ro­sur­gi­cal prob­lems writ­ten in easy to under­stand lan­guage. We lend these books toMUHCpatients and their fam­i­lies. Three items may be bor­rowed at a time. Learn more about our loans policy by consulting the Book Loans Policy tab on the left-side menu.

Click here to browse our book collection.

We also have pam­phlets on neu­ro­log­i­cal prob­lems includ­ing rare dis­or­ders of the ner­vous sys­tem.

Computer space, Internet, Printing and Photocopying Access

The Cen­tre has a computer with inter­net and email access and a printer for the use of The Neuro patients and their fam­i­lies. If you want assis­tance, our staff members will help you.

Online Resources

By using our Online Resources section, you can get infor­ma­tion on neu­ro­log­i­cal dis­eases and their diag­nos­tic tests and treat­ments either by clicking here to consult our Online Resources webpage or by enter­ing key­words in thesearch box at the top right corner of the website.You will find consumer health information for educational purposes, hos­pi­tal pro­duced doc­u­ments, com­mu­nity resources, links to good qual­ity resources on the inter­net.

Info-Neuro Search Service

We have many links to high qual­ity health infor­ma­tion. Sub­jects include the brain and nerves, ill­nesses, com­mu­nity resources, and more.Click here to visit theOnline Resources section.

If you can’t find what you’re look­ing for, ask the NPRC team to help you. We will be happy to do a search for you. We can find the infor­ma­tion you need online and in books. We also cre­ate plain Eng­lish sum­maries of med­ical jour­nal arti­cles. We then either email you the answer or print it out for you.

This ser­vice is avail­able in per­son (room354at the Neuro), by tele­phone (514−398−5358), orby email (infoneuro [at] This service is available to the general public. Pri­or­ity is given toMUHCpatients and fam­ily members.

The Info-Neuro Cart

What is the Info-Neuro cart?

The Neuro-Patient Resource Centre (NPRC) brings an information cart to the waiting rooms of many ambulatory clinics of the Neuro and the Neuro Day Centre, at least twice a month for each clinic.

This initiative began in 2022 with the goal of bringing educational materials and support resources to patients and their loved ones.

What information does the Info-Neuro cart provide?

For each clinic, our NPRC library assistant, Madison Lemke, carefully select books, brochures and other resources related to neurological disorders and health to meet the information needs of patients and their families.

If the cart doesn’t have what you are looking for, we will help you find it elsewhere!

If you missed the cart, come on by the Neuro-Patient Resource Centre (room 354) to benefit from our free services and resources.

Opening Hours, Address, and Contact Information

Mon­day through Fri­day: 9:00 am — 4:00 pm,
Sat­ur­day and Sun­day: closed

Neuro-​Patient Resource Cen­tre
The Neuro (Montreal Neurological Institute-Hospital), Room 354
3801 Uni­ver­sity Street
Mon­treal, Que­bec, H3Z 2B4

(514) 398‑5358

(514) 398‑5275

infoneuro [at]

ʲ­Բ:Click here for to find out about parking rates and options.

Book Loans Policy

Who can borrow library books?

MUHC patients and family members, as well as MUHC staff, can borrow books, DVDs and CDs from the resource centre.

How can I get a library card?

To get a library card and borrow books from our library, you must visit the resource centre in person.

A library employee will ask you to fill out a short registration form and give you a library card.

There is no cost for this service – library cards are free of charge.

How many items can I borrow at a time?

You can borrow up to three items at a time.

How long is the loan period?
  • Our loan period for library items is three weeks.
  • If you need more time, you can renew your loan once for an additional three weeks.
  • We do not charge late fees for overdue items.
  • Our reference and reserve material can be borrowed for a period of two days, but these items cannot leave the hospital.
How can I renew my loan?

You can renew your loan for an additional three weeks by either visiting the resource centre in person, calling us by phone at (514) 398-5358, or by sending us an email at infoneuro [at]

Where do I return my library books?

Any materials borrowed from the Neuro Patient Resource Centre must be returned to the centre in Room 354. If the resource centre is closed, please return your items through the book slot in the door.

Library materials left elsewhere in the hospital will probably not be returned and will be considered lost.


Borrowers are liable for the cost of replacing borrowed items that they have lost.

Interlibrary Loans

We do not offer interlibrary loans, however if you have any book recommendations for our collection, feel free to submit them to us .

Our Team

Name Title
Sabrina Burr Librarian
Madison Lemke Library Assistant
Amitoj Singh Library Assistant


The Neuro Patient Resource Cen­tre was founded in1999by mem­bers of The Neuro Patients’ Com­mit­tee who saw an increas­ing need for patients and their fam­i­lies to be able to find reli­able neu­ro­log­i­cal health information.

Since it opened, the Cen­tre has been staffed by pro­fes­sional librar­i­ans spe­cial­ized in health care infor­ma­tion. Their work has been sup­ported by the Centre’s con­sumer health web­site which is designed to help patients and their fam­i­lies find good infor­ma­tion. Our librar­i­ans, with the encour­age­ment of the Hos­pi­tal Admin­is­tra­tion and assisted by the Centre’s Advi­sory Com­mit­tee (an extra­or­di­nary group of health-​care pro­fes­sion­als and active vol­un­teers), ensure that every­one using the Cen­tre is offered first-​class library and ref­er­ence services.

We have always worked closely with the health-​care pro­fes­sion­als in the Hos­pi­tal to assist write, trans­late and print patient infor­ma­tion for our patients. The Cen­tre also helps orga­nize work­shops, sem­i­nars, and sup­port groups.

Thanks to the gen­eros­ity of the Friends of the Neuro, we estab­lished and con­tinue to develop our Nancy Pit­field Col­lec­tion. This includes hun­dreds of consumer-​health books, pam­phlets, arti­cles and videos. The Friends also made it pos­si­ble for us to offer patients and their fam­i­lies a small oasis in the Neuro (Montreal Neurological Institute-Hospital) – they ensure that the Resource Cen­tre is well equipped and taste­fully dec­o­rated so that it is best able to answer the needs of our patients, their fam­i­lies and of the com­mu­nity in general.

Start-​up money sup­port for the Cen­tre came from the Friends of the Neuro, the McConnell Fam­ily Foun­da­tion, theMUHCFoun­da­tion, and theNeuro Patients’ Com­mit­tee, as well as many indi­vid­ual donors. Since then we have been for­tu­nate to receive finan­cial assis­tance from the Mon­treal Neu­ro­log­i­cal Hos­pi­tal and the SM Uni­ver­sity Health Cen­tre. We are most grate­ful to theMUHCFoun­da­tion, which has over­seen the busi­ness side of our oper­a­tion since2002and for the con­tin­u­ing sup­port of the Friends of the Neuro, theNeuro Patients’ Com­mit­tee, The Neuro (Montreal Neurological Institute-Hospital), and from our indi­vid­ual donors.

We work closely with clinical staff and professionals at the Neuro, the MUHC Patients’ Committee, and the MUHC Patient Education Committee to ensure our collection meets our patrons’ information needs. We also work with the following MUHC patient resource centres to coordinate programming and collection development efforts:

Make a Donation

To make a dona­tion you may:


2.Mail or Fax your dona­tion to:
Neuro Devel­op­ment Office
The Neuro (Montreal Neurological Institute-Hospital)
380l Uni­ver­sity Street
Mon­treal, Que­becH3A2B4

If pay­ing my cheque, please be sure to make the cheque out to the order of The Neuro. You may write “Neuro-​Patient Resource Cen­tre” in the memo area. We can­not accept cheques made out to the order of the Neuro-​Patient Resource Cen­tre.

3.By Tele­phone:
Call Gio­vanna Caraffa, Neuro-​Development Office at514−398−8825

Please note that your dona­tion is for theNeuro-​Patient Resource Cen­tre.
Donors receive a tax receipt from SM Uni­ver­sity, Char­i­ta­ble #11912–8981-​RR0001.

Disclaimer Information

ǰ­ٲԳ. Mate­ri­als pro­vided by the Resource Cen­tre are for edu­ca­tional pur­poses only, they are not intended to replace the advice or instruc­tion of a pro­fes­sional health­care prac­ti­tioner, or to sub­sti­tute for med­ical care.

If you have any fur­ther ques­tions regard­ing infor­ma­tion you obtained from sources accessed through this ser­vice, please con­tact a qual­i­fied health­care prac­ti­tioner. Eval­u­at­ing the mer­its of health infor­ma­tion should always involve the assis­tance of a trusted health­care prac­ti­tioner who is famil­iar with your health his­tory, and who can bring exper­tise and expe­ri­ence to bear on your sit­u­a­tion. Beware that gen­eral infor­ma­tion regard­ing health and dis­ease is not always appro­pri­ate when applied to indi­vid­ual cases. Resource Cen­tre per­son­nel are not trained to inter­pret health information.

Infor­ma­tion pro­vided by the Resource Cen­tre does not imply endorse­ment or rec­om­men­da­tion by the Mon­treal Neu­ro­log­i­cal Hos­pi­tal, the Patients’ Com­mit­tee, its affil­i­ates, or individuals.

Our fund­ing is pro­vided by the SM Uni­ver­sity Health Cen­tre (MUHC), the Mon­treal Neu­ro­log­i­cal Insti­tute and Hos­pi­tal, the Friends of the Neuro, the MUHC Users’ Com­mit­tee and non-​corporate pri­vate donors.

Privacy and Advertising Information

Privacy Policy

The Neuro-​Patient Resource Cen­tre pro­vides this site as a pub­lic ser­vice. We do not col­lect per­sonal infor­ma­tion about you when you visit the web site. If you choose to con­tact us by e-​mail, or respond to an on-​line sur­vey, we will only main­tain the infor­ma­tion as long as needed to respond to your mes­sage or to ful­fill the stated pur­pose of com­mu­ni­ca­tion. Your per­sonal infor­ma­tion will only be given to a third party if it is neces­si­tated by your request for spe­cific infor­ma­tion. These third par­ties are held to strict poli­cies to safe­guard the infor­ma­tion and pro­vide the same level of pri­vacy pro­tec­tion as the Neuro-​Patient Resource Cen­tre and as are out­lined in the .

This site uses Google Ana­lyt­ics in an effort to con­tin­u­ously improve it. For more infor­ma­tion on the con­fi­den­tial­ity rules rel­a­tive to using Google Ana­lystics please click here:

The Neuro-​Patient Resource Cen­tre col­lects sta­tis­ti­cal infor­ma­tion from the web site. We col­lect, tem­porar­ily, the IP address from which you access the Inter­net, the date and time, the Inter­net address of the web site from which you linked directly to the site, the name of the file or the words you searched and the browser used to access the site. This infor­ma­tion is used to deter­mine the num­ber and the geo­graph­i­cal loca­tion of vis­i­tors to the site. We mon­i­tor query words to help us improve the effec­tive­ness of the web site.

In an effort to help vis­i­tors to the web site access qual­ity health infor­ma­tion we pro­vide links to other Inter­net sites. Once you have linked to another site you are sub­ject to the pri­vacy pol­icy of that new site.

Advertising Policy

This site does not dis­play com­mer­cial advertising.

The Neuro-​Patient Resource Cen­tre does not receive fund­ing for web­site adver­tis­ing. Exter­nal resources (sites to which we pro­vide a link) may con­tain adver­tis­ing. How­ever, this has no influ­ence on the con­tent of our site and we do not receive rev­enue from these sources.

Land Acknowledgement

The Neuro is located on the traditional and unceded territory of the Haudenosaunee and Anishinabeg nations, a place which has long served as a site of meeting and exchange amongst Indigenous peoples.

The NPRC recognizes that Indigenous patients face additional barriers in accessing healthcare, and we do our best to help them navigate the MUHC healthcare system and find the information they need.

The MUHC Users' Committee has developed a pamphlet written in Kanien'kéha, Cree, and Inuktitut to ensure patient rights can be more widely understood, which we distribute at the centre and throughout the Neuro.

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