News and Activities in 2008-2011

Below are the events and news from the years 2008 to 2011:

International Interdisciplinary Congress on Space Debris Remediation – November 11-12, 2011

The International Interdisciplinary Congress on Space Debris Congress, was held at SM's Institute of Air and Space Law in Montreal on 11 and 12 November 2011.

Congress participants examined technical means, legal and economic aspects, operational and organizational requirements for space debris remediation and on-orbit servicing of satellites.

We have received presentations from most speakers and posted them, along with a few photographs. Read further...

Echoes from the International Astronautical Congress and IISL/IAF Scientific and Legal Roundtable in October 2011

The Institute of Air and Space Law was well represented in the recent International Astronautical Congress (AIC) held in the first week of October in Cape Town, South Africa.

Professor Paul Stephen Dempsey and Professor Ram Jakhu, along with post-doctoral fellow Catherine Doldirina and DCL candidate Diane Howard, presented in various sessions of the Congress: not only in those of the Colloquium on the Law of Outer Space organized by the International Institute of Space Law, but also in the actual technical sessions of the Congress. Catherine Doldirina was invited to present in the IISL/IAF Scientific and Legal Roundtable (see picture below), which this year was devoted to the various issues of space debris remediation. The .

L to R: Michael Brett, Chair Space Generation Advisory Council; Catherine Doldirina, Co-Chair SGAC; Ariane Cornell, Executive Director SGAC; Andrea Jaime, Deputy Executive Director, SGAC, in Cape Town, South Africa.

Catherine Doldirina also led, as the co-chair, another yearly event that precedes IAC – Space Generation Congress. This event offered 130 delegates from 45 countries around the world to opportunity to discuss pertinent space issues and share their ideas with each other and with such high-level professionals like NASA administrator Charles Bolden, the chairman of COPUOS Dimitru Prunariu, president of the IAF Berndt Feuerbacher and many other prominent space leaders. Some of the presentations made duringnnel.

Professor Ram Jakhu was also honoured for his work by the International Academy of Astronautics during a gala.

Ivan A. Vlasic (1929-2011)

It gives us great sadness to announce that Professor Emeritus Ivan A. Vlasic, LLM'55, passed away on Wednesday, April 20, 2011. He was 84.

The SM Flag will be lowered, on April 27, in memory of Ivan A. Vlasic, Professor Emeritus, Institute of Air & Space Law.

We have received many moving tributes to Professor Vlasic:

International Galileo Governance and Liability Workshop - Bruxelles, May 27, 2011

On 27 May 2011, the in Transinne hosted an international meeting concerning the Galileo European Programme for Global Navigation Services in the presence of 35 experts, on the topic: "International Governance and Liability of the Galileo programme". As a reminder, Galileo is a satellite navigation programme, the European counterpart of the American GPS system.

This workshop was organised by Eutralex Aerospace Consulting within the framework of the space application developments being encouraged on the Galaxia Business Park, with the support of SM's Institute of Air and Space Law and Idelux. International Governance and Liability of the Galileo programme. 27 May 2011

2011 Annual SM Conference on International Aviation Liability & Insurance

Conference on liability and insurance - detail of poster

6-7 May 2011, at the Hilton Bonaventure, in Montreal

*** This conference is certified by the Barreau du Québec for 12.5 CLE hour credits. ***

This event, which marked the 60th Anniversary of SM's Institute of Air & Space Law, brought together some of the world's leading aviation liability experts to address the following topics:

1. Recent developments in aviation liability and insurance
2. Recovery of non-economic damages
3. Unruly passengers and liability for acts of unlawful interference
4. Jurisdiction & Forum Non Conveniens
5. Liability of manufacturers of aircraft, engines & component parts
6. Comparative interpretations of the Montreal Convention of 1999 and their impact on airlines, manufacturers, insurers & claimants
7. Disputes between insurers and re-insurers.
8. Four moot simulations.

In addition, the conference hosted luncheons and a cocktail reception to facilitate networking between attorneys, insurers, air carriers, manufacturers and governmental representatives.

Download the complete Brochure, Programme & Registration: 2011 Annual SM Conference on International Aviation Liability & Insurance [.pdf] (This document also contains hotel accommodation details).

8th Annual Space Security Index - Montréal, April 8 and 9, 2011

Participants to the 8th Space Security Index - Montreal, April 8 and 9, 2011

On April 8 and 9, 2011, the Institute of Air and Space Law, hosted the eighth annual Space Security Working Group meeting at the Faculty of Law. This was attended by over 30 experts from all over the world. The Space Security Index is a joint research project of the SM Institute of Air and Space Law, Project Ploughshares, Secure World Foundation and The Simons Foundation, in cooperation with the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada. The objective of the Space Security Index is to support transparency and dialogue on space security challenges and potential cooperative responses by providing an annual assessment of space security based on background information and in-depth analysis on key trends related to outer space. This annual assessment is developed through primary research in consultation with space security experts.

IASL Team wins 2011 Sarin Leiden International Air Law Moot Court Competition in Dubai

SM IASL Team won 2011 Sarin-Leiden International Air Law Moot Court in Dubai - Left to right: H.E. Mohammed A. Ahli (Director General of Dubai Civil Aviation Authority), Joseph Wheeler (Grad. Cert.), Mithun Pemmaiah (LL.M.) and Auguste Hocking (LL.M.)

Congratulations to the SM Moot Court Team for winning first place in the 2011 Sarin Leiden International Air Law Moot Court Competition in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. The extraordinary team consisted of the following Institute of Air & Space Law graduate students: Auguste Hocking (Australia), Joseph Wheeler (Australia) and Mithun Pemmaiah (India); our Doctoral candidate, Paul FitzGerald (Canada), coached the team. The SM team also placed first in oral argument for both the Applicant's and Respondent's side of the competition. The problem addressed issues of aviation safety in light of a volcanic eruption, emissions charges, traffic rights, cabotage, and foreign ownership and control. The court was chaired by a Judge Gilbert Guillaume of the International Court of Justice.

Next year's competition will be in Istanbul.

Congratulations to the IASL Moot Team

SM IASL Moot Team 2011. Left to right: Auguste Hocking (LL.M.), Joseph Wheeler (Grad. Cert.), Coach: Paul Fitzgerald (DCL) and Mithun Pemmaiah (LL.M.)

Conference on International Aviation Liability & Insurance: Current Issues and Controversies - Amsterdam, October 8 and 9, 2010

Amsterdam on a map

This event, sponsored by the and the SM Institute of Air & Space, was held in Amsterdam October 8 and 9, 2010. It gathered some of the world's leading experts on aviation liability and insurance.

The IASL Class of 2010 gathered on the steps of 3474 Peel Street for the traditional annual group photograph with professors.

We enjoyed meeting with our European colleagues and graduates.

 Current     Issues and Controversies
Some IASL students and graduates in Amsterdam, attending the International Aviation Liability & Insurance in October 2010. Pictured L to R: John Thachet (LLM'95); Paul Fitzgerald (BCL/LLB'88 and DCL candidate); Diane Howard (LLM'09 and DCL candidate); Stephan Eriksson (class of '03); Jae Woon (June) Lee (LLM'06); Andrew Harakas (LLM'90); Philip Chrystal (LLM'85); Yaw Nyampong (LLM'05 and DCL candidate); Darcy Beamer-Downie (LLM'00); Joseph C. Wheeler (graduate certificate candidate); Olivier Ferrante (LLM'00); and Paul Dempsey, Director of the IASL.

The IASL at the International Astronautical Congress - September 27 - October 1, 2010 in Prague

Professor Ram Jakhu

Graduate students and professors of the Institute participated in the most important space-related event of the year, which occurred September 27 - October 1, 2010 in Prague (Czech Republic).

Professor Ram Jakhu presented a paper at the Scientific-Legal Roundtable on small satellite missions. DCL candidate Diane Howard made a presentation of the paper on the legal issues related to the gathering of space solar power that she co-authored with Professor Jakhu.

DCL candidate Michael Mineiro gave an overview of his research, particularly the application of the public choice theory to the US commercial communication satellite export controls. DCL candidate Catherine Doldirina presented two papers: one on the influence of the European Union harmonised law on the development of the market for remote sensing data, and another on the scope of the international obligation to protect environment of outer space. Finally, LLM student Michael Dodge had a poster presentation on the implications of the GPS/ Galileo/ GNSS Agreement for peaceful international relations. A number of IASL alumni were also present.

DCL candidate Diane Howard DCL candidate Catherine Doldirina

Contributions to the sessions of the International Astronautical Congress are important for both research at the Institute, as well as for the outreach with regard to its programme and activities, as the event gathers all leading actors and specialists within the field of space activities in general and of space law in particular.

International Astronautical Congress in Prague
Graduates and students who took time to visit the Pilsner Urquell Brewery during the conference.
Pictured L to R: Back: Mr. Sanat Kaul - Mr. Jan-Helge Mey - Mr. Jiri Hornik - Ms. Diane Howard - Dr. Steve Doyle - Professor Stephan Hobe - Professor Francis Lyall - Professor Setsuko Aoki - Professor Ram Jakhu - Dr. Milton (Skip) Smith
Middle: Professor Kopal - Ms. Anne-Marie Hébert - unknown mannequin - Dr. Ranjana Kaul
Front: Ms. Axelle Cartier - Dr. Peter van Fenema - Ms. Catherine Doldirina. Present at the IAC but not pictured: Dr. Martha Mejia-Kaiser, Dr. Sylvia Ospina, Professor Paul Larsen, Michael Mineiro, Maria Buzdugan, and Professor Paul Dempsey.

Air Transport: What Route to $ustainability? - September 26-27, 2010 at the Hilton Bonaventure, Montreal

Held Sep. 26-27, 2010 at the Hilton Bonaventure, Montreal, this ICAO/SM worldwide conference and exhibition preceded the the triennial meeting of the ICAO General Assembly. The conference covered themes such as State of the Aviation Industry; Aviation and the Environment; Aviation Security and Facilitation; and Strategies and the Way Forward.

Thank you to all speakers, conference-goers, and volunteers who made this event a success! Mosaic of various moments at the conference.

International Conference on Air Transport, Air Law and Regulation — 24 – 26 May 2010 in Singapore

Detail of brochure

Jointly organised by the Institute of Air & Space Law, the National University of Singapore Centre for International Law, and the Singapore Aviation Academy, this three-day conference addressed critical issues facing civil aviation in current challenging times with an emphasis on Asian air transportation. Current and new updates on legal and policy issues relevant to today’s air transportation environment were discussed.

Download the Brochure and registration [.pdf]

May 6, 2009, in Montreal
International & Interdisciplinary Roundtable on Space Governance

Earth and space

Preceding the International Interdisciplinary Congress on Space Debris, this high-level interdisciplinary event was an opportunity to discuss space, its governance and its peaceful use. Attendees can now download the presentations.

May 7-9, 2009, in Montreal
International Interdisciplinary Congress on Space Debris

Many joined us for this important two-part congress organised by the IASL, in collaboration with the Cologne University Institute of Air and Space Law (Germany) and the International Association for the Advancement of Space Safety (The Netherlands).

Attendees can now download the presentations.

The second part of this congress will take place in Bonn-Cologne, Germany, in May-June 2010. See you there!

Workshop and Conference on Air Transport, Air & Space Law and Regulation, 12-16 April 2009, Abu Dhabi

Cover of program

The Institute of Air & Space Law hosted a Workshop and Conference on Air Transport, Air & Space Law and Regulation, in collaboration with the General Civil Aviation Authority (GCAA) of the United Arad Emirates in Abu Dhabi, from April 12 to 16, 2009.

Both events were well attended by a wide variety of participants hailing mainly from the Gulf region.

Visit the Abu Dhabi 2009 page to download workshop and conference notes from our speakers, see the program or read the press clippings.

January 2009: Professor Ram Jakhu gives several seminars in India

Ram Jakhu

Representing the Institute of Air and Space Law, Prof. Ram Jakhu delivered an orientation lecture on the scope of air and space law on January 19, 2009, at Dr. Ram Manohar Lohiya National Law University to an audience of over 500 people comprising of the faculty members, students and administrative staff. His lecture focused on the rapid growth of the area of air and space law.

Ram Jakhu in front of the Admin Block building of RMLNL University in Lucknow, India.

Professor Jakhu also gave a seminar on "Space Tourism" to MBA (Aviation) students and Faculty members of the University of Petroleum and Energy Studies (UPES) in Gurgaon, and delivered a seminar on "Space Law: Latest Developments" at the School of International Studies of the Jawaharlal Nehru University (in Delhi) to LL.M. students, faculty members and several invited key figures in the public and private sectors in New Delhi. Finally, he reports being delighted with having had the opportunity to meet with some IASL alumni there.

11th Biennial Meeting of the Association of European Alumnae and Alumni of the IASL — Lisbon (Portugal), 8-10 May 2008

Thirty members of the European Alumnae and Alumni met this year in Lisbon (Portugal), with IASL director, Professor Paul Dempsey, attending. Cristina Galhardo Vilão, LLM'90, the President-Elect of the Association put together a very full programme [.pdf]. The professional part included a workshop on the premises of the Portuguese Bar Association (first picture below), visits to Aeroportos de Portugal, the Portuguese airport management company, for a presentation on the new airport project for Lisbon, a visit to TAP (second picture below).

European Alumnae and Alumni of the IASL visited the Portuguese Bar Association in Lisbon (click to see larger picture)

A scenic trip took participants along the Portuguese Cote d’Azur to picturesque Cascais and Sintra. Another highlight was the farewell dinner at a Lisbon Fado restaurant. Jiri Hornik, LLM'00, was elected newest president of the European IASL Alumni(ae). The next meeting will be in 2010 in Prague - we look forward to seeing you there!

(Click to zoom) The 30 members of the European Alumnae and Alumni who met this year in Lisbon enjoyed a visit at TAP, the Portuguese airline.

IASL alums Jean-Michel Fobe (LLM'86), Axelle Cartier (LLM'97), Jeifang Huang (LLM'91), Mia Wouters (LLM'85), Darcy Beamer-Downie (LLM'96) with Paul Stephen Dempsey served as Judges at the Telders International Moot Court Competition at the International Court of Justice in the Hague in April 2008.

International Conference on Contemporary Issues in Air Transport, Air law and Regulation, April 21-25, 2008, New Delhi, India

Faculty and Alumni(ae) of the SM Institute of Air and Space Law who participated in the event

Faculty and Alumni(ae) of the SM Institute of Air and Space Law who participated in the Air Transport, Law and Regulation Workshop & Conference — April 21-25, 2008, in New Delhi, India.

Air & Space Law: A Global Perspective
September 17-20, 2008, in Montreal, Canada

The ABA's Forum on Air and Space Law, in partnership with the IASL, held its 2008 Annual Meeting and Conference this September in Montreal. This international gathering of aviation and space lawyers, academics, executives, policy makers and other professionals was a great opportunity for participants to examine the forces that shape the aviation and space industries of today - and tomorrow - and the legal superstructure in which those forces operate.

Read the , an article that was published in the SM Reporter (Sept. 25, 2008).

Participants from the Air & Space Law: A Global Perspective event, held in Montreal.

Participants from the Air & Space Law: A Global Perspective event, held in Montreal.

Space Security Index Workshop, May 15-16, 2008

The Institute for Air and Space Law was proud to host the fifth annual Space Security Workshop in cooperation with Space Security Index project partners. Its purpose was to seek expert feedback on space security trends and developments in 2007 through open discussion and a review of background research on space security.

Our workshop participants (click to see larger picture)

SM graduates speak in China

[Click to zoom] SM IASL graduate Jiefang Huang (second from left) and IASL Director Paul Stephen Dempsey (third from right) delivered papers at the International Forum on New Developments in Air & Space Law in the Age of Globalization on October 17, 2008, in Beijing, China. The event was sponsored by the Beijing University of Political Science and Law. Professor Dempsey also made a presentation on the SM Institute at the Civil Aviation University of China in Tianjin.

Members of the class of 2003 organize first PEOPIL conference on aviation

Stephen Eriksson organized the first Seminar held by the (PEOPIL) on Aviation/Tourism.

Lawyers from several continents attended the event held in Toulouse, France, on November 13-15, 2008, which included a tour of the Airbus 380 assembly plant.

Shown below from left to right, are Urban Olson, Stephen Eriksson and IASL Director Paul Dempsey.

Urban Olson (2004), Stephen Eriksson (2004) and IASL Director Paul Dempsey

3rd IAASS Conference "Building a safer space together"
21-23 October 2008 – Rome, Italy

At the , the IASL was well represented.

Professor Ram Jakhu presented a paper on "International Regulatory Standards for Spaceports", which was co-authored by DCL candidate Yaw Nyampong.

DCL candidate Michael Mineiro presented a paper he co-authored with professor Paul Dempsey on “ICAO's Role in Regulating Safety and Navigation in Suborbital Aerospace Transportation”.

Finally, Boeing Fellow Catherine Doldirina presented her paper on "Value of UN COPUOS Scientific and Technical Subcommittee Space Debris Mitigation Guidelines."

In addition, Professor Ram Jakhu co-chaired two panel discussions on "Private Spaceflight and Safety Certification" and "International Space Safety Consensus Standards: The Way Ahead."

According to the professors and students of the IASL who attended, it was an excellent event that afforded many valuable insights and opportunities for discussion.

Catherine Doldirina
Professor Ram Jakhu

Students and alums at the International Astronautical Congress and the 51st Space Law Colloquium this October...

(click to zoom) In October 2008, the International Astronautical Congress and the 51st Space Law Colloquium of the IISL took place in Glasgow, Scotland, birthplace of James SM. Pictured are SM IASL alumni(ae) at the Glasgow City Chambers, venue for the 17th Manfred Lachs Space Law Moot Court Competition World Finals. From left to right: Michael Mineiro (‘07), Dr. Peter van Fenema (‘71), Catherine Doldirina (‘07), Prof. Stephan Hobe (‘85), Axelle Cartier (‘96), Anne-Marie Hebert (‘07), Prof. Setsuko Aoki (‘93), Ali Akbar Golrounia (‘87) and David Chen (‘08). Other alumni(ae) present at the Colloquium and/or the Moot Court but not in this picture: Prof. Francis Lyall ('63), Prof. Paul Larsen (‘63), Sylvia Ospina ('84) and Diane Howard ('07).
(click photo to enlarge)

Air & Space Law: A Global Perspective
September 17-20, 2008, in Montreal, Canada

Participants from the Air & Space Law: A Global Perspective event, held in Montreal.

The ABA's Forum on Air and Space Law, in partnership with the IASL, held its 2008 Annual Meeting and Conference this September in Montreal. This international gathering of more than 200 aviation and space lawyers, academics, executives, policy makers and other professionals was an opportunity for participants to examine the forces that shape the aviation and space industries of today - and tomorrow - and the legal superstructure in which those forces operate. Pictured above are a number of the SM IASL graduates who attended.

This two-day event featured keynote speakers, moderators and panelists who are leaders in their areas of expertise. Among the topics, the panels focused on ATC privatization, airport issues, environmental law, passenger rights, safety, privacy and data security - worldwide. A competition law panel considered antitrust issues in the context of mergers and acquisitions, as well as current development in the areas of predation an concerted practices. Finally, a Space Law Panel took us on a journey beyond the current, hot issues of earth-bound aviation to the new frontiers of the extraterrestrial practice of law.

Read the , an article that was published in the SM Reporter (Sept. 25, 2008).

Nicolas Mateesco Matte honoured once, twice

At a luncheon hosted by the Permanent Canadian Representative for the International Civil Aviation Agency in Montreal on June 25, Professor Matte was honoured by members of the international aviation community on the occasion of his appointment of Chevalier of the National Order of Quebec.

At a luncheon hosted by the Permanent Canadian Representative for the International Civil Aviation Agency in Montreal on June 25, 2008, Professor Matte was honoured by members of the international aviation community on the occasion of his appointment of Chevalier of the National Order of Quebec.

Left to right: Denys Wibaux, Director, Legal Bureau, ICAO; Nicolas Kasirer, Dean of Law, SM; Paul Dempsey, Director, Institute of Air and Space Law, SM; Ghislaine Richard, LLM'81, former Canadian Representative to ICAO; Jean-Christophe Chouvet, French Representative, ICAO Council; Armand de Mestral, Jean Monnet Professor of Law, SM; Charles Bédard, Former Canadian Representative to ICAO; Lionel Alain Dupuis, LLM'81, Canadian Representative, ICAO; and Nicolas Mateesco Matte, director emeritus of the IASL.

SM and Boeing launch Initiative in Air and Space Law

SM's Institute of Air and Space Law (IASL) and The Boeing Company are pleased to announce the Boeing Fellowships in Air and Space Law.
Article: Read full article. Also, read the article in the SM Reporter.

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