Bibliography - Media and Arts Sources

Many activists, survivors, and scholars have turned to multimedia and the arts to express views and capture perspectives on the problem of sexual violence in higher education. To best illustrate the full range of perspectives and content on this issue, the research team created this separate bibliography of non-academic and multimedia sources. The bibliography contains a selected list of non-academic sources, including news articles, podcasts, online exhibitions, poetry, and novels.

Newspaper Articles




Online Exhibition

This exhibition, which deals with GBSV in general, seeks to deconstruct one of the central myths concerning sexual assaults: that they are more likely to take place at night, in a dark street, and to be committed by a threatening stranger. However, as we learn from the exhibition, two-thirds of sexual assaults recorded in Quebec are committed in private residences, and 84% of the victims know their attacker.


A widely-known American dramatized documentary about sexual assault on university and college campuses in the US and the failure of the administration to adequately respond to the issue.

This French documentary focuses on the testimonies of victims of harassment, sexism and sexual violence in higher education in France. Victims also cover how universities handled their cases when they reported the GBSV (between professors and students, and between students). The same webpage also displays additional video clips with professionals dealing with the topic.

This film is about femicide in a university setting. It is based on the true story of the École Polytechnique de MontrĂ©al massacre, in which a young man broke into the building to kill as many women as possible, on 6 December 1989.



A collection of personal poems about sexual violence in the academic context, along with feminist and critical race theory analyses of their meaning, linking it to the broader picture of university GBSV.

This spoken word poem on the subject of college campus sexual assaults was performed live and filmed at the 2016 “Louder Than a Bomb” slam poetry finals in Boston, Massachusettes.


In this book, Chanel Miller writes about her experience being sexually assaulted by then Stanford University athlete Brock Turner in January 2015, as well as the aftermath and subsequent court case in the US.

In this book, a Québec author denounces the sexual predation practiced by some professors.


  1. Canadian podcasts

This podcast focuses on different aspects of campus-based sexual violence prevention, such as the intersectionality of GBSV, the role of bystanders, how to support victims etc.

() and ï»żï»ż () explore how our understanding of normalized and trivialized gender-based sexual violence has limited our ability to change it. They help us understand that while culture relating to GBSV is not simple, our responses often assume it is.

  1. Other OECD perspectives


This short podcast shows certain aspects of GBSV that can happen during integration weekends and provides information on what to do as a bystander and who to reach out to if you are a victim. It also encourages students to organize safe and inclusive events (in French).

This episode gives an overview of how higher education institutions in Australia are dealing with GBSV and features students voicing their concerns.

Catherine Donovan (University of Durham, UK) discusses a multi-institutional study conducted in the UK with colleagues Khatidja Chantler, Rachel Fenton and Kelly Bracewell, exploring the obstacles and enablers to implementing the recommendations of a UK report on the issue. The participants reveal how, by becoming aware of the power structures within their universities, it was possible to identify how these power structures operated to inhibit the advancement of the GBSV prevention agenda and to articulate transformative measures.

This podcast examines sexual harassment in universities and extends its investigations to the place of women and sexual minorities on campus (in French).

This podcast examines the novel by AdÚle Combes, Comment l'université broie les jeunes chercheurs: Précarité, harcÚlement, loi du silence (in English, how the university crushes young researchers: Precariousness, harassment, the law of silence), which highlights the working conditions of young researchers in France and denounces psychological and sexual aggression, discrimination, harassment at work, difficulties in finding funding and the precariousness of Ph.D. contracts (in French).

This podcast discusses the legal definition of GBSV in France and explains the mechanism of domination and power relations that can lead to sexist and sexual violence, focusing on the context of graduate studies. It also traces the evolution of universities' response to GBSV over the past 20 years, gives advice for victims and witnesses and reviews the sanctions imposed by universities on perpetrators (in French).

The episode discusses the failure of sexual harassment policies at Californian universities. Solutions include making policies more visible and ending a culture of institutional aversion to addressing these policies and evaluating their effectiveness.

This podcast discusses the origins of Title IX, its effects, and its implementation. It shows that cultural learning about gender equity, consent, and sexualization begins early and carries over from high school to university.

In this episode, the host dialogues with author Alexandra Brodsky about her book Sexual Justice: Supporting Victims, Ensuring Due Process, and Resisting the Conservative Backlash. Brodsky emphasizes the importance of treating both victims and the accused fairly, describes the Biden administration’s response to Title IX and explores the ways forward for institutions that seek to address sexual misconduct claims more equitably.

This podcast deals with the reality of sexist and sexual violence in Belgian universities, more specifically at the Catholic University of Leuven (in French).

In August 2020, the US Department of Education released a new set of guidelines for how schools are required to regulate Title IX cases. This episode explains how Title IX has changed and how student survivors will be affected by these controversial new guidelines.

This podcast deals with gender-based violence on campus, combining testimonies of female students in France, Africa and North America. The podcast provides a good introduction to the subject and its main issues (in French).



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