
Director's Project poster

Directors' Projects 2022

  1. After Magritte, written by Tom Stoppard, directed by Rose Noskwith
    The house is in shambles, Mother won’t stop playing the tuba, and now the police are here? The Harris family find themselves wrapped up in a confusing crime, but did they do it? And who was that mysterious figure they saw in the street?
  2. Action, written by Sam Shepard, directed by Owen Maggs
    The year is 1961 and the Earth has become an apocalyptic wasteland. Somehow through it all, four friends have pulled together a Christmas dinner, but has getting this far brought them to the brink? Sam Shepard’s Action is a black comedy of chair-smashing, fish-gutting proportions that hits a little too close to home in the 2020’s.
  3. Ledge, Ledger, and the Legend, written by Paul Elliott, directed by Atticus Mehers
    Pete has never killed himself before. He finds himself unprepared on the wrong ledge, at the wrong time, with no plan. Thankfully, he is soon joined by a suicide advisor from the company DROP OUT. When a competing advisor joins them on the ledge, Pete is confronted with the difficult task of choosing who to hire to help him perform the perfect suicide.
  4. Beer Girl, written by Walter Wykes, directed by Francesco Cremonini
    Heineken, Guinness, Stella Artois. Walter Wykes’ Beer Girl tells the story of a man desperately in love with that which he can never have, a girl made entirely of beer. Will he find true love, or will his drunken delusions disappoint him once again?
  5. Pleasure Cruise, written by Kira Obolensky, directed by Lucy Marchal
    Ladies and Gentlemen, this is your captain speaking, it is a pleasure welcoming you on board. To ensure a safe journey, we kindly ask you to follow the cruise’s protocols. The sun is framed in the sky, the river is gentle and there is absolutely no danger here on board. So sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride!
  6. Not Not Not Not Not Enough Oxygen, written by Caryl Chruchill, directed by Mai Kutsuna
    It is 2060. A dystopian city “Londons” is covered in smoke from pollution. There are no plants, no birds, and certainly not enough oxygen. Mick and his neighbour Vivian are living in suffocating tower blocks. The play opens with them anxiously waiting for Mick’s son to arrive…
  7. Elegy for a Lady, written by Arthur Miller, directed by Paxton Rodriguez
    A man walks into a boutique and asks the shop owner to help him find the perfect gift for someone special in his life. As time goes on, the true purpose of the man’s visit becomes more clear, as the two engage in a battle of wits over love and companionship. Elegy for a Lady is a challenging story about the decisions we make and the webs of connection we entangle ourselves in.
  8. Bloomsbury Woman and the Wild Colonial Girl, written by Lorae Parry, directed by Jacqueline Law
    “She was the only writer I have ever been jealous of”, said Virginia Woolf in 1923. Bloomsbury Women and the Wild Colonial Girl studies the life of the writer in question, Katherine Mansfield, in her own words, as she writes her way through friendship, love, and what it means to be a woman.
  9. Afterglow, written by Peter Boychuk, directed by Huirui Zhang
    What do you do when you fall in love with your best friend but she is coping with grief? A few weeks after the turn of the millenium, the fall of a meteor near Whitehorse, Yukon brings a few changes to two friends, Alex and Anna. They go on a trip into the wilderness to find fragments of the meteorite, while in truth, seeking an answer for their troubled hearts.
  10. Accident of Birth, written by Trevor Suthers, directed by Songmin Lee
    Anthony is confined in Broadmoor Psychiatric Hospital, where he is being treated for a severe personality disorder that has played a role in his run of violent crimes. One day Anthony’s mother makes a visit to Broadmoor, and the first ever encounter reveals the truths behind Anthony’s personality disorder and the nature Anthony believes he inherited from his biological parents.
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