
Axis “Governance, institutions, and citizen participation”


Caroline Patsias

Regular member

Portrait of Caroline PatsiasAffiliation

Associate Professor, Department of Political Science (Université du Québec à Montréal)

Research interests

Citizen participation, local and municipal policies, civil society organizations and state transformations, social innovation


Contact information

Department of Political Science, UQAM
Hubert Aquin Building
400, Sainte-Catherine East, Montréal (QC), H2L 2C5
Office: A-3680
Phone: (514) 987-3000 #2754

patsias.caroline [at] uqam.ca (> Email)







Recent publications

  • Patsias C. and S. Patsias 2023. “Politicization at the local political level within representative and participative institutions: the example of a poor Montreal borough”. Local Governments studies.
  • Patsias C. 2023. “The Radicals Watched from the Sidelines or the Ambivalent Citizens’ Relations to Radicalism in a Poor Montreal Neighborhood: How Non-Radical and Radical Groups Conceptualize and Discuss Social Class and Ethnic Identity”. Journal of Civil Society.
  • Patsias, C et PrĂ©vost P. “Pourquoi Ă©tudier le palier politique local” (Why studying the local political level?). In J. PrĂ©vost and P. May (Eds), Problèmes politiques contemporains (Contemporary Political Issues). Montreal : JFD Ă©ditions. 189-202.
  • Patsias, C. “Les conseils municipaux” (The Municipal Councils). In S. Breux et A. Mevellec (dir.), Dictionnaire politique de la scène municipale quĂ©bĂ©coise (Political Dictionnary of Quebec Municipal Scene). PUL. AcceptĂ©.


Selected publications

Caroline Patsias, Durazo, J. et S. Patsias. « The Steep and Slippery Slope of Politics: Civic Spirit, Empowerment and Politicization in Citizen Committees », European Journal of Cultural and Political Sociology, 2018, 6(1) : 95-123.

Benoit M. et Caroline Patsias. « Greening the agri-environmental policy by territorial and participative implementation processes? Evidences from two French regions », Journal of Rural Studies, vol. LV, 2017, p. 1-11.

Caroline Patsias. « Parc-Extension : un quartier montréalais presque ordinaire », dans J-L Klein et R. Shearmur (dir.), Montréal : La cité des cités, Québec , PUQ, 2017, p. 83-104.

Caroline Patsias. Chronique de démocraties ordinaires : le politique au sein des comités de citoyens au Québec et en France, Montréal , Les Presses de l’Université de Montréal, 2016.

Caroline Patsias et S. Patsias. «  Social forums and friendship: A new way of contemplating the notion of friendship in international relations  », dans K. Simon et A. Oelsner (dir.), Friendship in International Relations, New York, Palgrave-Macmillan, 2014, p. 162-181.

Caroline Patsias et S.Patsias. «  The Municipal Political Campaign in the District of Park-Extension in Montréal : How Representatives Avoid Politics  », Canadian Journal of Urban Research, vol. XXIII, no 2, 2014, p. 123-142.

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