Complementary courses in other departments

Note: Many courses are “Special Topics” courses whose subject matter changes from year to year. If you think a particular “Special Topics” course may be appropriate for the COMS Minor please suggest it to the Undergraduate Program Director.

Please note that students may take a maximum of 6 credits of complementary courses outside of Communication Studies.

Please note that this is a list of course which appear in departmental calendars. There is no guarantee that all of these course will be offered in any given year.


ANTH 540 Critique & Social Theory

Art History
ARTH 440 - The Body and Visual Culture

Canadian Studies
CANS 404 - Critical Museology and Heritage in Canada
CANS 406 - Media, Politics and Populism

CANS 413 Canada and Quebec Seminar

CLAS 206 - Classics in Modern Media
CLAS 306 - Classics in Modern Media

East Asian Studies
EAST 250 - Introduction to Asian Media Studies
EAST 361- Animation and New Media
EAST 364 - Mass Culture and Postwar Japan
EAST 372 - Topics in Television (Asia)
EAST 375 - Korean Media and Popular Culture
EAST 477 - Media and Environment in Asia

ENGL 275 - Introduction to Cultural Studies
ENGL 277 - Introduction to Film Studies
ENGL 279 - Introduction to Film as Art
ENGL 280 - Introduction to Film as Mass Medium
ENGL 351 - Studies in the History of Film 2
ENGL 378 - Media and Culture
ENGL 380 - Non-Fiction Media: Cinema, Television, Radio
ENGL 383 - Studies in Communications 1
ENGL 388 - Studies in Popular Culture
ENGL 389 - Studies in Popular Culture
ENGL 476 - Alternative Approaches to Media
ENGL 490 Intro to Digital Humanities
ENGL 492 - Image and Text

FILM 279 - Introduction to Film History

FREN 498 Questions de littérature: Introduction à la fouille textuelle

GERM 375 - German Media Studies

HIST 301 - U.S. Mass Media

Indigenous Studies
INDG 400 - Interdisciplinary Seminar in Indigenous Studies

Languages, Literatures and Cultures
LLCU 300 - Cinema and the Visual
LLCU 301 Topics on Culture and Thought
LLCU 498 - Digital Project

Management (Faculty of)
MGPO 434 Narrating Life: Fact, Fiction, and Modelling Possible Worlds

SM Writing Centre (1 of 2 only)
WCOM 314 - Communicating Science
WCOM 317 - Writing the Internet

Music (Faculty of)
MUAR 392 Popular Music after 1945
MUSR202 Fundamentals of New Media

PHIL 446 Current Issues in Political Philosophy: Social Epistemology “Democratic Theory in the Digital Age” (only this topic can count)
PHIL 481 Topics in Philosophy: Artificial Intelligence (only this topic can count)

SOC 318 - Sociology of the Media

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