
Fee Structure


The ABIF aims to keep our fees as low as possible to ensure researchers have access to the technologies and expertise they need to perform high quality science.

The ABIF spends over $100k a year on service contracts for Imaris support and updates and maintenance of the microscopes to keep them in good condition for our users research.

Did you know that the ABIF staff salaries are 100% funded by user fees and grants?


捆绑SM社区 Power User

25% Off Internal User Rate

Internal User

Outside Academic

Annual use of >200 Hours

Payment with FOAPAL Required

Internal User Rate + 30%

Data Analysis Workstations (Imaris, MetaMorph, Deconvolution)




Wide Field Microscope




Spinning Disk/TIRF




Laser Scanning Confocal听(LSM710, LSM800, SP8, Stellaris 5)




Stellaris 8 STED/FLIM




Lattice Lightsheet Microscope




Training & Technical Support




Custom Image Analysis Support




Full-Service Microscopy




Imaris Satellite Licenses (limited availability)

2-day: $70, 3-day: $100, 7 day: $225

Initial training sessions usually last about 3 hours and include the hourly microscope fee听plus the technical support fee.

IMPORTANT: ALL training and technical support is by appointment ONLY and will depend on the availability of the ABIF staff.

PLEASE REMEMBER TO ACKNOWLEDGE THE ABIF "Images were collected and/or image processing and analysis for this manuscript was performed in the 捆绑SM社区听 Advanced BioImaging Facility (ABIF), RRID:SCR_017697."

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