Marie-Hélène Boudrias

Academic title(s): 


Marie-Hélène Boudrias
Contact Information

Building:Hosmer House

Mailing Address:3630 prom Sir-William-Osler, Montréal, Québec, H3G 1Y5

(514) 398-5457
Fax number: 
(514) 398-6360
Email address: 
mh.boudrias [at]
Associate Professor

Post-doctoral Fellowship, Institute of Neurology, University College London (UK)
Post-doctoral Fellowship, FMRIB, University of Oxford (UK)
PhD Neuroscience, University of Kansas Medical Centre (USA)
BSc Physiotherapy, Université de Montréal (Canada)

Teaching areas: 

Neurophysiology (POTH-455)

Research Areas:

ageing,connectivity,corticospinal neurons,motor performance & learning,neuroimaging,neurophysiology,stroke, post COVID-19 condition

Current research: 

Prof. Boudrias' main focus of research aims to understand the neurophysiological mechanisms underlying the interaction between brain areas in ageing subjects and stroke patients. She uses multimodal functional neuroimaging and electrophysiological techniques as well as state-of-the-art data analysis methods to measure the precise dynamics of these interactions. The general aim of her research is to identify robust and sensitive biomarkers of motor ability and in the longer term, to design subject-specific therapeutic interventions such as physical training or stimulation protocols to maintain motor function and/or alleviate age-related declines in motor performance. She is also interested inassessing the impact of the COVID19pandemic on the brain and on the delivery of rehabilitationservices inCOVID-designated rehabilitation centers in Quebec.

Selected publications: 

(*supervised students)

Peer-Reviewed Papers

D.E. Feldman,M.H. Boudrias& B. Mazer.Long COVID Symptoms in a population-based sample of persons discharged home from hospital: A population-based survey. Canadian Journal of Public Health 2022(dot:).

S. Palimeris*, Y. Anseri, A. Remaud, F. Tremblay, H. Coriveau, M.H. Boudrias & M.H. Milot. Effect of a tailored upper extremity strength training intervention combined with direct current stimulation in chronic stroke survivors: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Frontiers in Rehabilitation Sciences 2022, 3:978257 (doi:).

P.C. Prokopiou, A. Xifra-Porxas*, M. Kassinopoulos, M.H. Boudrias & G.D Mitsis. Modelling the hemodynamic response function using EEG-fMRI data during eyes-open resting-state conditions and motor task execution. Brain Topography 2022 35, 302–321 (doi:).

X. Yan*, M.H. Boudrias & G.D. Mitsis. Removal of Transcranial Alternating Current Stimulation EEG Artifacts Using Blind Source Separation and Wavelets. Transactions on Biomedical Engineering (TBME), IEEE Trans Biomed Eng. 2022 vol. 69, no. 10, pp. 3183-3192 (doi:).

X. Yan*, G.D. Mitsis & M.H. Boudrias. Identification of Beta Oscillatory Patterns During a Hand Grip Motor Task: A Comparative Analysis pre- and post-Exercise. 43rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC). [Proceeding Paper] 2021, pp. 993-996 (doi:).

A. Znaty*, Z. Legault*, S. Smith* & M.H. Boudrias. Yoga Interventions used for the Rehabilitation of Stroke, Parkinson’s Disease, and Multiple Sclerosis: A Scoping Review of Clinical Research. Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 2021, Jun 29 (doi: )

S. Ghai, F. Dal Maso, T. Ogourtsova, A. Xifra-Porxas*, M. Villeneuve, V. Penhune,M.H. Boudrias, S. Baillet & A. Lamontagne.Neurophysiological changes induced by music-supported therapy for recovering upper-extremity function after stroke: A case series.Brain Sci. 2021, 11(5), 666(doi:).

A. Xifra-Porxas*, A. Ghosh*, G.D. Mitsis &M.H. Boudrias. Estimating brain age from structural MRI and MEG data: Insights from dimensionality reduction technique.Neuroimage2021, Vol. 231. May 1(doi:).

X. Yan*, M.H. Boudrias & G.D. Mitsis. Artifact Removal in tACS-EEG Recordings: A Combined Methodology Based on Empirical Wavelet Transform. 42nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC). [Proceeding Paper] 2020; 944-947 (doi: ).

A. Ghosh*, F. Dal Maso*, M. Roig, G.D. Mitsis & M.H. Boudrias. Unfolding the effects of acute cardiovascular exercise on motor learning using Convolutional Neural Networks. Frontiers in Neuroscience 2019 Vol 13. Article 1215. (doi: ).

E. Renda*, S.A. Karmali*, I. Yordanova*, S. Schwartz*, Y. Mahdid, A. Ghosh*, S. Blain-Moraes** & M.H. Boudrias**. Effect of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation on an Individual’s Ability to Learn to Control a Brain-Computer Interface. SM Journal of Medicine 2019 Oct. 9 ().**The authors contributed equally.

A. Xifra-Porxas*, G. Niso*, S. Larivière*, M. Kassinopoulos, S. Baillet, G.D. Mitsis & M.H. Boudrias. Effects of aging in beta oscillations during sustained and dynamic contractions while performing unimanual and bimanual force production. Neuroimage 2019 Nov. 1, Vol. 201. (doi:).

M.H. Milot, S. Palimeris*, H. Corriveau, F. Tremblay & M.H. Boudrias. Effects of a tailored strength training program of the upper extremity combined with transcranial Direct-Current Stimulation (tDCS) in chronic stroke patients: study protocol for a randomized, double-blind, controlled trial. BMC Sports Sci Med Rehabil. 2019 May 24;11:8 (doi:).

E. Rivest-Gadbois* & M.H. Boudrias. What are the known effects of yoga on the brain in relation to motor performances, body awareness and pain? A narrative review. Complementary Therapies in Medicine 2019 June Vol 44: 129-142 (doi:).

S. Larivière*, A. Xifra-Porxas*, M. Kassinopoulos, G. Niso*, S. Baillet, G.D. Mitsis & M.H. Boudrias. Functional and effective reorganization of the aging brain during unimanual and bimanual hand movements. Human Brain Mapping 2019 July Vol. 40: 3027-2040 (doi:).

F. Dal Maso*, B. Desormeau*, M.H. Boudrias** & M. Roig**. Acute cardiovascular exercise promotes functional changes in cortico-motor networks during the early stages of motor memory consolidation. NeuroImage 2018 July Vol. 174: 380-392 (doi:). **The authors contributed equally.

A. Xifra-Porxas*, K. Kostoglou, S. Larivière*, G. Niso*, M. Kassinopoulos, M.H. Boudrias & G.D. Mitsis. Identification of Time-Varying Cortico-cortical and Cortico-Muscular Coherence during Motor Tasks with Multivariate Autoregressive Models. Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. [Proceeding Paper] 2018 Jul; 1024-1021 (doi: ).

S. Larivière*, N.S. Ward & M.H. Boudrias. Disrupted functional network integrity and coordination after stroke: relation to motor impairments. NeuroImage Clinical 2018June Vol. 19: 883-891 (doi:).

J. Fan*, J. Voisin, M.H. Milot, J. Higgins & M.H. Boudrias. Transcranial direct current stimulation over multiple days enhances motor learning of a grip task. Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine 2017 Sept. Vol. 60(5): 329-333 (doi:).

H.E. Rossiter, M.H. Boudrias & N.S. Ward. Do movement-related beta oscillations change following stroke? J Neurophysiol. 2014 Nov. 1;112 (9):2053-2058 (doi:).

H.E. Rossiter, E.M. Davis, E.V. Clark, M.H. Boudrias & N.S. Ward. Beta oscillations reflect changes in motor cortex inhibition in healthy ageing. NeuroImage 2014 May 1;91: 360–365 (doi:).

J. O'Shea**, M.H. Boudrias**, C.J. Stagg, V. Bachtiar, U. Kischka, J.U. Blicher & H. Johansen-Berg. Predicting behavioural response to tDCS in chronic motor stroke. NeuroImage 2014 Jan; 15;85 (Pt 3): 924-933 (doi:). **The authors contributed equally.

C.H. Park, N. Kou, M.H. Boudrias, D. Playford & N.S. Ward. Assessing a standardised approach to measuring corticospinal integrity after stroke with DTI. NeuroImage Clinical 2013 Vol 2: 521-533 (doi:).

H.E. Rossiter, C. Eaves, E. Davis, M.H. Boudrias, C.H. Park, S. Farmer, G. Barnes, V. Litvak & N.S. Ward. Changes in the location of cortico-muscular coherence following stroke. NeuroImage Clinical 2012 Nov; 13(2): 50-55 (doi:).

P. Talelli, A. Wallace, M. DiLeone, D. Hoad, B. Cheeran, R. Oliver, M. VandenBos, U. Hammerbeck, K. Barrat, C. Gillini, Musumeci G, M.H. Boudrias, G.C. Cloud, J. Ball, J.F. Mars, J.F. Marsden, N.S. Ward, V. Di Lazzaro, R.G. Greenwood & J.C. Rothwell. Theta burst stimulation in the rehabilitation of the upper limb: a semirandomized, placebo-controlled trial in chronic stroke patients. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair 2012 Oct; 26(8): 976-987 (doi:).

R. Schulz, C.H. Park, M.H. Boudrias, C. Gerloff, F.C. Hummel & N.S. Ward. Assessing the integrity of corticospinal pathways from primary and secondary cortical motor areas after stroke. Stroke 2012 Aug; 43(8): 2248-2251 (doi:).

C.H. Park, M.H. Boudrias, H. Rossiter & N.S. Ward. Age-related changes in topological architecture of the brain during a hand grip task. Neurobiology of Aging 2012 Apr; 33(4):833 e27-833.e37 (doi:).

M.H. Boudrias, C.S. Gonçalves*, W.D. Penny, C.H. Park, H.E. Rossiter, P. Talelli & N.S. Ward. Age-related changes in causal interactions between cortical motor regions during hand grip. Neuroimage 2012 Feb; 59(4): 3398-3405 (doi:).

A. Stepens, C.J. Stagg, A. Platkājis, M.H. Boudrias, H. Johansen-Berg & M. Donaghy. White matter abnormalities in Methcathinone abusers with an extrapyramidal syndrome. Brain 2010 Dec; 133(Pt 12): 3676-3684 (doi:).

M.H. Boudrias, S.P. Lee, S. Svojanovsky & P.D. Cheney. Forelimb Muscle Representations and Output Properties of Motor Areas in the Mesial Wall of Rhesus Macaques. Cerebral Cortex 2010 March; 20(3): 704-719 (doi:).

M.H. Boudrias, R.L. McPherson*, S.B. Frost & P.D. Cheney. Output properties and organization of the forelimb representation of motor areas on the lateral aspect of the hemisphere in rhesus macaques. Cerebral Cortex 2010 Jan; 20(1): 169-186 (doi:).

M.H. Boudrias, A. Belhaj-Saïf, M.C. Park & P.D. Cheney. Contrasting properties of motor output from the supplementary motor area (SMA) and primary motor cortex in rhesus macaques. Cerebral Cortex 2006 May; 16(5): 632-638 (doi:).

Non-Peer Reviewed Papers

C. Perez, N. D’Isabella*, L. Hill*, H. Hochman*, S. Ramsay Massicotte*, S. Prizio & M.H. Boudrias. Mirror Therapy Protocols for Improving Motor Function & Reducing Pain in the Upper Extremity: A Summary of a Scoping Review. Synapse Magazine, Canadian Physiotherapy Association's (CPA) Neurosciences Division. 2019 Sept; Vol. 38, No 2.

A. Xifra-Porxas*, A. Ghosh*, G.D. Mitsis, M.H. Boudrias. Estimating brain age from structural MRI and MEG data: Insights from dimensionality reduction techniques. 2019 Available on BioRxiv ().

A. Ghosh*, F. Dal Maso*, M. Roig, G.D. Mitsis & M.H. Boudrias. Deep Semantic Architecture with discriminative feature visualization for neuroimage analysis. 2018. Available on Arxiv ().

Book chapters

M.H. Boudrias. Dimensions temporelles et spatiales utilisées lors de l'étude du cerveau. In: Les changements d’échelle : les arts et la théorie confrontés au réel.Collective book,EditionsMimésis, Collection Images Médiums, 9 Feb. 2020.

P.D. Cheney, A. Belhaj-Saïf & M.H Boudrias. Principles of corticospinal system organization and function. In: Clinical Neurophysiology of Motor Neuron Diseases. A. Eisen, Editor, New York, NY: Elsevier Science, , 2004: 59-96 (doi:).

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