Eran Shor

Professor, William Dawson ScholarEran Shor

Stephen Leacock Building, Room 840
855 Sherbrooke Street West
Montreal, Quebec H3A 2T7

Tel.: 514-398-5664
Email: eran.shor [at]

Office: Leacock 840
Office Hours: Thursdays 4 pm to 6 pm.

Research Areas

Political Conflict and Human Rights; Terrorism and Counterterrorism; the Sociology of Health; Ethnicity and Nationalism; Determinants of Sexual Attraction; Media Coverage of Women and Ethnic Minorities; Meta-Analysis and Meta-Regression Methods.



(PhD, Stony Brook University, 2010)

My work spans several major research and teaching interests. First, I examine the causes and effects of political conflict and violence. More specifically, I study state counterterrorist policies, relying on a combination of longitudinal time-series cross-national analyses and case studies. My work demonstrates the importance of social and cultural processes in determining state policies and challenges more traditional theoretical approaches, which emphasize atomized actor-oriented and cost-benefit motivations.

Second, I am leading two separate research projects that examine inequality in the media coverage of ethnic minorities and women, using both qualitative content analysis and various statistical analysis methods. I critically explore the policing and silencing of political discourses by ethnic minority groups in Israeli media and the reaffirmation of national and collective boundaries through the exclusion of these ethnic minority groups.

Third, I am conducting a large-scale statistical meta-analysis project, which explores the effect of different social stressors and of social relationships on mortality in different countries and under varying conditions. This project has already produced analyses of the effects of unemployment, war exposure, widowhood, divorce, lifetime non-marriage, participation in voluntary organizations, and social support, as well as a methodological paper on the use of meta-analysis in sociology. In addition, I plan to conduct analyses on the effects of social networks, immigration, and cumulative stressors on mortality.

Finally, pursuing my interests in gender and sexuality, I have completed a study on attraction between same-group members in Israeli kibbutzim. Relying on in-depth interviews with people who grew up in the communal education system of Israeli kibbutzim, I questioned the reigning psychological and biological views and offered alternative sociological explanations to the classic debate over the origins of incest avoidance and the incest taboo. I plan to extend this research by studying sexual attraction and avoidance in other small groups.


Selected Publications


2021 Shor, Eranand Kimberly Seida.Aggression in Pornography: Myths and Realities. Milton Park, UK: Routledge.

2019 Shor, Eranand Stephen Hoadley (eds.).International Human Rights and Counter-terrorism. Singapore: Springer Nature.

Peer Reviewed Journal Publications

In press Shor, Eran and Ina Filkobski*. “Symbolic Boundary Work: Jewish and Arab Femicide in Israeli Hebrew Newspapers.British Journal of Sociology.

In press Shor, Eran. ““If It’s All an Act, Then What’s the Point?”: Men’s and Women’s Views on Authenticity in Pornographic Videos.” Sociology.

In press Shor, Eran and Arnout van de Rijt. “Racial bias in media coverage: accounting for structural position and public interest.” European Sociological Review.

2023 Roelfs, David and Eran Shor. “Financial Stress, Unemployment, and Suicide – A Meta-Analysis.” Crisis 44:506-517.

2023 Shor, Eran. ““As long as it’s not on the face”: Pornography Viewers Discuss Male Ejaculation Perceptions and Preferences.” Sexes 4:587-600.

2022Shor, Eran, Arnout van de Rijt, and Vivek Kulkarni. “Women who break the glass ceiling get a paper cut: Gender, fame, and media sentiment.” Forthcoming in Social Problems

2022 O’Donnell, Catharina* and Eran shor. "’This is a Political Movement, Friend’: Uncovering the Motives of ‘Incels’." British Journal of Sociology 73:336-351.

2022 Shor, Eran. “Who Seeks Aggression? Surprising Findings From Interviews with Men and Women Who Watch Pornography.” Archives of Sexual Behavior 51:1237-1255.

2022 Shor, Eran and David Roelfs. “The Unexpected Effects of Ethno-cultural Origin-destination Interactions on Immigrants’ Longevity.” Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health 24:1345-1366.

2022 Daniel Sailofsky* and Eran Shor. "It Will Ruin His Career": Does Violence Against Women Really Damage the Careers of Professional Athletes?"Journal of Interpersonal Violence. 37:239-257.

2021 Shor, Eran and David Roelfs. “Is There Really an Immigrant Mortality Advantage? A Global Perspective.” International Migration Review 55:999-1028.

2021 Burns, Philippe* and Eran Shor. “Racial Stereotyping of Indigenous People in the Canadian Media: A Comparative Analysis of Two Water Pollution Incidents.” Canadian Review of Sociology 58:207-228.

2021 Kimberly Seida* andEran Shor. “Aggression and pleasure in opposite-sex and same-sex mainstream online pornography: A comparative content analysis of dyadic scenes.”Journal of Sex Research58:292-304.

2021 Baccini, Leonardo, Abel Brodeur*, Sean Nossek*, andEran Shor. “Terrorism and Voting Behavior: Evidence From the United States.”Research & Politics.

2020 Shor, Eran, Arnout van de Rijt, and Babak Fotouhi*. “A large-scale test of gender bias in the media.Sociological Science6:526-550.

2020 Shor, Eran, and Alex Miltsov*. "The price of greater representation: A cross-national analysis of parlimentary representation and media coverage sentiment for women."Newspaper Research Journal1-14

2020 Shor, Eranand David Roelfs. “Climate Shock: Moving to Colder Climates and Immigrant Mortality.”Social Science & Medicine235:112397.

2019 Shor, Eran and Kimberly Seida*. “’Harder and Harder’? Is mainstream pornography becoming increasingly violent and do viewers prefer violent content?Journal of Sex Research. 56: 16-28.

2019 Shor, Eran, Arnout van de Rijt and Alex Miltsov*. “Do women in the newsroom make a difference? Sentiment toward women and men as a function of newsroom composition.”. 81: 44-58.

2019 Shor, Eran. “Age, Aggression, and Pleasure in Popular Online Pornographic Videos.”Violence Against Women.25: 1018-1036.

2019 Shor, Eran and Golshan Golriz*. “Gender, Race, and Aggression in Mainstream Pornography.”Archives of Sexual Behavior.48:739-751.

2018 van de Rijit, Arnout, Hyang-Gi Song*,Eran Shor, and Rebecca Burroway. “Racial and Gender Differences in Missing Children's Recovery Chances.”PLOS One13(12): e0207742.

2018 Shor,Eran. “”100:307-319.PDF icon 2018_-_social_science_quarterly.pdf

2018 Shor, Eran, Leonardo Baccini, Chi-ting Tsai, Tai-Ho Lin, and Titus Chen. “Counterterrorist Legislation and Respect for Civil Liberties: An Inevitable Collision?Studies in Conflict and Terrorism 41:339-364.

2017 Shor, Eran, David Roelfs, and ZouaVang. “The Hispanic Mortality Paradox Revisited: Meta-analysis and Meta-regression of Life-Course Differentials in Latin American and Caribbean Immigrants' Mortality.” Social Science & Medicine 186:20-33.

2017 Nazif-Muñoz, Jose*, Aaron Blank* and Eran Shor. “.” Injury Prevention 1-7

2017 Shor, Eran. “Why do They Legislate? A Cross-National Time-Series Analysis of Terrorism and Counterterrorist Legislation.”Social Problems64:106-132.

2017 Hogans, Robin, David Roelfs,Eran Shor, Christa Moore*, and Thomas Reece*. “J-Curve? A Meta-Analysis and Meta-Regression of Parity and Parental Mortality”.Population Research and Policy Review36:273-308.

2016 Shor, Eran. “Counterterrorist Legislation and Subsequent Terrorism: Does it Work?Social Forces 95:525-557.

2016 Shier, Allie* and Eran Shor. “’Shades of Foreign Evil’: ‘Honour Killings’ and ‘Family Murders’ in the Canadian Press.” Violence Against Women 22:1163-1188.

2016 Shor, Eran, Ina Filkobski*, Pazit Ben-Nun Bloom, Hayder Alkilabi*, and William Su. “Does Counterterrorist Legislation Hurt Human Rights Practices? A Longitudinal Cross-National Analysis.” Social Science Research 58:104-121.

2015 Shor, Eran, Arnout van de Rijt, Alex Mltsov*, Vivek Kulkarni*, and Steven Skiena. “A Paper Ceiling: What Explains the Sex-Ratio Inequality in Printed News Coverage?American Sociological Review 80(5) 960 –984. , .

2015 Shor, Eran. “The Westermarck Hypothesis and the Israeli Kibbutzim: Reconciling Contrasting Evidence.” Forthcoming in Archives of Sexual Behavior. DOI: 10.1007/s10508-015-0558-5.

2015 Shor, Eran and David Roelfs. “Social Contact Frequency and All-cause Mortality: A Meta-analysis and Meta-regression.” Social Science & Medicine 128:76-86.

2015 Roelfs, David, Eran Shor, Aaron Blank* and Joseph E. Schwartz. “Misery Loves Company? Aggregate Unemployment Rates and the Unemployment-Mortality Association.” Annals of Epidemiology 25:312-22.

2014 Shor, Eran, Arnout van de Rijt, Charles Ward*, Saoussan Askar*, and Steven Skiena. “Is There a Political Bias? A Computational Analysis of Female Subjects’ Coverage in Liberal and Conservative Newspapers.” Social Science Quarterly 95:1213-1229.

2014 Shor, Eran and Yuval Yonay. “Ethnic Coexistence in Deeply Divided Societies: The Case of Arab Athletes in the Hebrew Media.” The Sociological Quarterly 55:396-420.

2014 Shor, Eran, Jason Carmichael, Ignacio Nazif*, John Shandra, and Michael Schwartz. “Terrorism and State Repression of Human Rights: A Cross-national Time-series Analysis.” International Journal of Comparative Sociology 55:294-317.

2014 Shor, Eran, Arnout van de Rijt, Charles Ward*, Aaron Blank*,and Steven Skiena. “Time Trends in Printed News Coverage of Female Subjects, 1880-2008.”Journalism Studies15:759-773.

2013 van de Rijt, Arnout, Eran Shor, Charles Ward, and StevenSkiena. “Only Fifteen Minutes? The Social Stratification of Fame in Printed Media.”American Sociological Review 78:266-289.

2013 Shor, Eran, David Roelfs and Tamar Yogev. “The Strengthof Family Ties: A Meta-Analysis and Meta-Regression of Self-Reported Social Support and Mortality." Social Networks 35:626-638.

2013 Shor, Eran and David Roelfs. “Talking to God or Talkingto Others? A Meta-Analysis and Meta-Regression of Social Participation and Mortality.”Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 52:120-145.

2013 Roelfs, David, Eran Shor, Louise Falzon, Karina W.Davidson, and Joseph E. Schwartz. “Meta Analysis for Sociology: A Bottom-Up Approach.”Bulletin of Sociological Methodology 117:75-92.

2013 Shor, Eran and Dalit Simchai. “Lions and Tigers in theKibbutzim: Sexual Aversion and Sexual Attraction in the Communal Education System.”Megamot 49:106-133 (Hebrew).

2012 Shor, Eran and Dalit Simchai. “Exposing the Myth of Sexual Aversion in the Israeli Kibbutzim: A Challenge to the Westermarck Hypothesis.” American Journal of Sociology 117:1509-1513.

2012 Shor, Eran, David J. Roelfs, Misty Curreli, Lynn Clemow, Matthew M. Burg, and Joseph E. Schwartz. “Widowhood and Mortality: A Meta-Analysis and Meta-Regression.” Demography 49:757-606.

2012 Shor, Eran, David J. Roelfs, Paul Bougy, and Joseph E. Schwartz. “Meta-analysis of Marital Dissolution and Mortality: Reevaluating the Intersection of Gender and Age.” Social Science & Medicine 75:46-59.

2012 Shor, Eran and Yair Galily. “Between Adoption and Resistance: Grobalization and Glocalization in the Development of Israeli Basketball.” Sociology of Sport Journal 29 (4).

2012 Charland, Lyn, Ian Shrier, and Eran Shor. “Simultaneous Penile-Vaginal Intercourse Orgasm.” Journal of Sexual Medicine 9:334.

2011 Shor, Eran. “Constructing a Global Counterterrorist Legislation Database: Dilemmas, Procedures, and Preliminary Analyses.” Journal of Terrorism Research 2:249-277.

2011 Roelfs, David J., Eran Shor, Rachel Kalish, and Tamar Yogev. “The Rising Relative Risk of Mortality among Singles: Meta-analysis and Meta-regression.” American Journal of Epidemiology 74:379-389.

2011 Shor, Eran and Yuval Yonay. “Play and Shut Up”: The Silencing of Palestinian Athletes in Israeli Media.Ethnic and Racial Studies 34:229-247.

2011 Roelfs, David J., Eran Shor, Karina W. Davidson, and Joseph E. Schwartz. “Losing Life and Livelihood: A Meta-Analysis and Meta-Regression of the Effect of Unemployment on All-Cause Mortality.” Social Science & Medicine 72:840-854.

2010 Shor, Eran and Yuval Yonay. “Sport, National Identity, and Media Discourse over Foreign Athletes in Israel.” Nationalism and Ethnic Politics 16:483-503.

2010 Roelfs, David J., Eran Shor, Karina W. Davidson, and Joseph E. Schwartz. “War-Related Stress Exposure and Mortality: A Meta-Analysis.” The International Journal of Epidemiology, 39:1499-1509.

2010 Shor, Eran. “Terrorism and Human Rights in the New Millennium: In Search for Equilibrium.” Qualitative Sociology 33:205-210.

2009 Shor, Eran and Dalit Simchai. “Incest Avoidance, the Incest Taboo, and Social Cohesion: Revisiting Westermarck and the Case of the Israeli Kibbutzim.” American Journal of Sociology 114:1803-1842.

* Featured in Contexts (2010), under “Contexts Discoveries: Sociology Takes on the Incest Consensus”

* Winner of the 2007 paper award from the ASA’s Section on Sexuality

2009 Shandra, John M., Eran Shor and Bruce London. “World Polity, Unequal Ecological Exchange, and Organic Water Pollution: A Cross-National Analysis.” Human Ecology Review 16:52-62.

2008 Shor, Eran. “Conflict, Terrorism, and the Socialization of Human Rights Norms: The Spiral Model Revisited.” Social Problems 55:117-138.

* Winner of the 2007 paper award from the ASA’s Section on Political Sociology

2008 Shor, Eran. “Utilizing Rights and Wrongs: Right-Wing, the "Right" Language, and Human Rights in the Gaza Disengagement.” Sociological Perspectives.

2008 Shor, Eran. “Contested Masculinities: The New Jew and the Construction of Black and Palestinian Athletes in Israeli Media.” Journal of Sport and Social Issues 32:255-277.

* Winner of the 2008 paper award from the ASA’s Section on Race, Gender, and Class

2008 Shandra, John M., Eran Shor, Gary Maynard, and Bruce London. “Debt, Structural Adjustment, and Deforestation: A Cross-National Study.” Journal of World-Systems Research 14:1-20.

2008 Shandra, John M., Eran Shor, and Bruce London. “Debt, Structural Adjustment, and Organic Water Pollution: A Cross-National Analysis.” Organization and Environment 21:38-55.

Book Chapters and Other Publications

2022 Shor, Eran and Kimberly Seida. “Key Trends in Pornography.” In Weitzer, Ronald (ed.) Sex for Sale: Prostitution, Pornography, and the Sex Industry (3rd Edition).” London and New York: Routledge.

2022 Shor, Eran and Yuval Yonay. “Palestinian Athletes in Israeli Media: Bridging Divides?” Pp. 162-198 in Paul-Claudiu Cotirlet (ed.) Religion and Sport in the Middle East Societies. Sibiu: Astra Museum.

2019 Shor, Eranand Stephen Hoadley. “Preface.” Pp. vii-viii in Shor, Eran and Stephen Hoadley (eds.)International Human Rights and Terrorism.

2019 Shor, Eran. “Counterterrorist Legislation Effects on Human Rights and Civil Liberties: A Global Perspective.” Pp. 203-218 in Eran Shor and Stephen Hoadley (eds.)International Human Rights and Terrorism.

2019 Louis, Rebecca andEran Shor. “Nation-level Counterterrorist Legislation, 1945-2017.” Pp. 13-29 in Eran Shor and Stephen Hoadley (eds.)International Human Rights and Terrorism.

2019 Shor, Eranand Daniel Sialofsky. “Human Rights and Terrorism: Issues and Overview.” Pp. 1-9 in Eran Shor and Stephen Hoadley (eds.)International Human Rights and Terrorism.

2018 Shor, Eranand Kimberly Seida. “.” Short article published inThe Conversation.

2017 Roychowdhury, Poulmai andEran Shor. “Sex and the Province: A Short History of Quebec.”Footnotes45:1-4.

2015 Shor, Eran. “Jewish Masculinity and Other Masculinities in the Media Coverage of Israeli Sports.” In Yair Galily, Moshe Levy, and Ilan Tamir (eds.), Sport and Gender: Identities, Representations, and Conflict. Herzliya: IDC. (Hebrew).

2015 Shor, Eran. “Westermarck Effect.” In George Ritzer (ed.), Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology (2nd Edition).

2012 Shor, Eran. “.” Pp. 341-356 in Dennis Erasga (ed.), Sociological Landscape: Theories, Realities and Trends. Rijeka: In-Tech.

2010 Shor, Eran. “In Search of a Voice: Arab Soccer Players in the Israeli Media.” Pp. 8-10 in John Calabrese (ed.), Sports and the Middle East: A Special Edition of Viewpoints.

2008 Shor, Eran. “Quantification.” Pp. 655-656 in William A. Darity Jr. (ed.), The International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences (2nd Edition), Volume 6. Farmington Hills, MI: Thomson/Gale.

2008 Shor, Eran. “Performance.” Pp. 207-209 in William A. Darity Jr. (ed.), The International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences (2nd Edition), Volume 6. Farmington Hills, MI: Thomson/Gale.

Book Reviews

2014 Whose Rights? Counterterrorism and the Dark Side of American Public Opinion, by Clem Brooks and Jeff Manza. In: Contemporary Sociology 43:833-834.

2010 Jewish Terrorism in Israel, by Ami Pedahzur and Arie Perliger. In: Israel Studies Forum 25:116-141.

2009 Israel and the Family of Nations: The Jewish nation-state and Human Rights, by Alexander Yakobson and Amnon Rubinstein. In: Israel Studies Forum 24:128-129.

2008 The Men We Loved: Male Friendships and Nationalism in Israeli Culture, by Danny Kaplan. In: Men and Masculinities 10:368-370.

2007 Cultures of Masculinity, by Tim Edwards. In: Journal of Men Studies 15:232-241.

2007 Arab Soccer in a Jewish State: The Integrative Enclave, by Tamir Sorek. In: Israeli Sociology 9:215-217 (Hebrew).


Research Grants

2022-28 Social Sciences & Humanities Research Council (SSHRC): Insight Grants ($245,103). “The Determinants of Racial Imbalances in Media.”

2019-24 SM: William Dawson Chair ($125,000)

2015-20 Social Sciences & Humanities Research Council (SSHRC): Insight Grants ($222,738). “A Paper Ceiling? Explaining Sex-Ratio Inequality in Media Coverage.”

2015-16 NSF and the American Sociological Association (ASA), Fund for the Advancement of the Discipline ($7,000US). “The Determinants of Sex-Ratio Imbalance in Media Coverage.”

2015-16 SSHRC Development Grants ($7,000), SM. “A cross-national comparison of the determinants and consequences of counterterrorist legislation.”

2014-19 SM: William Dawson Chair ($125,000)

2012-14 Social Sciences & Humanities Research Council of Canada(SHHRC): Insight Development Grants ($74, 988). “A cross-national analysis of the factors shaping counterterrorist legislation policies."

2011-14 Fonds Québécois de la Recherché sur la Société et la Culture (FQRSC): Établissement de nouveaux professeurs-chercheurs ($39,600). “Le terrorisme et les politiques d’état: explication des variations dans les mesures antiterrorists.”

2009-10 National Science Foundation (NSF) Dissertation Improvement Grant, Sociology Program ($8,084).

2009 The Mildred and Herbert Weisinger Dissertation Fellowship ($10,000) Awarded each year to one graduate student (any department) completing a dissertation bearing significant scholarly promise. Stony Brook University, NY.

2009 The Judith Tanur Sociology Dissertation Fellowship ($3,300) Awarded each year to one graduate student in the Department. Dpt. of Sociology, Stony Brook Un., NY.


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