Shari Brotman, Associate Professor

Dr. Shari Brotman is Associate Professor at the SM School of Social Work. She received her doctorate from the University of Toronto in 2000. Shari has worked extensively, as an educator, researcher and practitioner in the fields of gerontology and anti-oppression social work practice. Her scholarly activities center on questions of access and equity in the design and delivery of health and social care services to older adults from marginalized communities (LGBTQ and immigrant), and their caregivers. Her work incorporates an intersectional lens exploring multiple identity and interlocking oppressions as lived by people and communities. She undertakes qualitative, community and arts-based research. Shari teaches undergraduate and graduate courses on Anti-Oppression Practice, Qualitative Research Methods and Social Gerontology.


Ph.D. (University of Toronto) 2000

MSW (SM) 1991

BSW (SM) 1988


2005-present Associate Professor

SM, Faculty of Arts, School of Social Work

1999 Assistant Professor

SM, Faculty of Arts, School of Social Work

1993-1995 SM Consortium for Ethnicity and Strategic Social Planning


1991-1993 Social Worker

Jewish Support Services for the Elderly


Areas of interest

  • Gerontological social work theory, policy and practice (access to care; care giving; gender, race, class, sexual orientation and disability issues in aging)
  • Anti-oppression social work theory and practice

Recent grants

2018-2019 Learning from the lived experiences of aging immigrants. SSHRC Connections $44, 685
Brotman, S. (PI), Koehn, S., Ferrer, I., Orzeck, P., Raymond, E


Savoirs sur l'inclusion et l'exclusion des personnes LGBTQ (SAVIE-LGBTQ) SSHRC Partnership Grant $2,500,000
Chamberland, L. (PI), Couture, ME., Jean, P., Carey, B., Matthieu, C., Vaillancourt, A., Greenbaum, M., Mein, D., Lebrun, A., Boisvert, G., Gross, M., Houzeau, M., Ouellet, J., Paquette, G., Bard, C., Parini, L., Tremblay, M., Blais, M., Phillibert, M., Wallach, I., Coté, I., Pagé, G., Dorais, M., Fontaine, A., Paternotte, D., Brotman, S., Smith, M.


Regards sur la vieillesse et le vieillissement-de l'expérience singulière aux enjeux collectifs, CREGES. (Soutien aux infrastructures de recherche des Instituts Centres affiliés universitaires du secteur social) FRQSC


Marier, P., (PI) Aubin, G., Barylak, L., Bourgeois-Guérin, V., Brotman, S., Carbonneau, H., Charette, J., Couture, M., Cox, N., Dulka, I., Dupont, S., Durivage, P., Freitas, Z., Gilbert, N., Hebblethwaite S., Israel, S., Laforest, S., Leibing, A., Montpetit, C., Nour, K., Orzeck, P., Parisien, M., Regenstreif, A., Raymond, É., Sawchuck, K., Séguin, A-M., Starnino, C., Sussman, T., Therriault, P-Y., Touchette, C., Wallach, I., Van Pevenage, I., Zacchia, L.


Intersecting identities and intersectional oppression: The experiences of ethnocultural minority older adults in Canada $74,942
Brotman, S. and Koehn, S


Caring across generations: The lived experiences and life course impacts of young adults caring for parents and grandparents SSHRC IDG


Silverman, M (PI), Brotman, S., Moldat, M.


Exploring and enhancing access to in-home health services for LGBT communities CIHR $410,047

Daley, A. and MacDonnell, J. (PIs) Brotman, S., Aronson, J., Poley,T., Knott, T., Gillis, L.


L’inclusionsociale despersonnes âgées.Enjeux de reconnaissance et de redistribution.Équipe derecherche enpartenariat VIES (Vieillissements, exclusionssociales et solidarités) (FRSQ-Soutien auxéquipes de recherche)

$480, 454

Séguin, A-M. (PI) , Apparicio, P., Brotman, S., Dallaire, B.,Marier P., Negron Poblete, P., Sussman, T., Wallach, I., Van Pevenage, I., Bouchard, C., Dupuis, M-J., Parisien, M., Regenstreif, A.


Select Publications

Hulko, W., Brotman, S., Stern, L.,Ferrer, I. (2020). Gerontological social work in action: Anti-oppressive practice with older adults, their families, and communities. Routledge Press

Brotman, S., Ferrer I.& Koehn, (2019). Situating the life story narratives of aging immigrants within a structural context: The intersectional lifecourse perspective as research praxis. Qualitative Research, p.1-20. Prepublished October 14, 2019. doi:10.1177/1468794119880746

Brotman, S., Koehn, S., Ferrer, I., Delgado, P. (2019). L’isolement social chez les immigrant-e-s âgés au Canada : une question de droits de la personne. Revue de la ligue des droits et libertés 38(1), 37-40,

Wallach, I. and Brotman, S. (2019). Gaps in health and social care services to older people living with HIV: A Qualitative study on the perspectives of older adults and their service providers. Nurse Care Open Access 6(1), 28-33.

Sussman, T., Brotman, S., MacIntosh, H., Chamberland, L., MacDonnell, J., Daley, A., Dumas, J., Churchill, M. (2018) Supporting lesbian, gay, bisexual & transgender (LGBT) inclusivity in long-term care (LTC) homes: A Canadian Perspective. Canadian Journal on Aging/La Revue Canadienne du vieillissement 37(2), 121-132.

Beauchamp, J., Brotman, S., Chamberland, L., Ferrer, I. (2018) Contrer le mythe de la famille hétéro-nucléaire dans le soutien et les soins apportés aux aînés LGBT (pp. 257-264). In AM Seguin, P. Marier, V. Billette. (eds.) Le Vieillissement sous la loupe: entre mythes et réalités. QC : Presses de l’Université Laval.

Hulko, W., Brotman, S., Ferrer, I. (2017) Counter-Storytelling: Anti-Oppressive social work with older adults. (pp. 193-211) In D. Baines Doing Anti-Oppressive practice: Social justice social work, 3rd edition. Toronto, ON: Fernwood Press, 350pp. . ISBN: 9781552668795

Daley, A., MacDonnell, J., St. Pierre, M., Brotman, S., Aronson, J., Gillis, L. (2017). Providing health and social services to older LGBT adults. Annual Review and Gerontology and Geriatrics 37(1), 143-160.

Wallach, I. and Brotman, S. (2017). The Intimate lives of older adults living with HIV: A Qualitative study of the challenges associated with the intersection of HIV and ageing. Journal of Aging and Society.

Ferrer, I., Brotman, S., Grenier, A. (2017). The experiences of reciprocity among Filipino older adults in Canada: Intergenerational, transnational and community considerations. Journal of gerontological social work 60(4), 60:4, 313-327,

Ferrer, I., Grenier, A., Brotman, S., Koehn, S. (2017). Understanding the experiences of racialized older people through an intersectional life course perspective. Journal of aging studies 41, 10-17.

Brotman, S., Drummond, J., Silverman, M., Sussman, T., Orzeck, P. Barylak, L., Wallach, I., Billette, V (2016). Talking with spousal caregivers about sexuality and intimacy: Perspectives of service providers. Journal of Health and Social Work 41(4), 263-273

Brotman, S. and Ferrer, I. (2015). Diversity within family caregiving: Extending definitions of “who counts” to include marginalized communities. Healthcare papers 15(1), 47-53.

Lee, E. and Brotman, S. (2015) Social work and sexual and gender diversity (pp. 259-287). In N. Ives, Denov, M., Sussman, T. Introduction to social work in Canada: Histories, contexts and practices. Don Mills, ON: Oxford University Press.

Brotman, S., Ferrer, I., Sussman, T., Ryan, B., Richard, B. (2015) Access and equity in the design and delivery of health and social care to LGBTQ older adults: A Canadian perspective (pp.111-140). In NA Orel and CA Fruhauf (eds.) The Lives of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender older adults: Understanding challenges and resilience. American Psychological Association.

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