

Drs. Dandavino, Di Genova and Sternszus Receive PCC COVID Leadership Award

Published: 13 November 2020

This year, the Pediatric Chairs of Canada (PCC) provided a unique opportunity to honor those who have responded in a heroic way to the COVID-19 pandemic, including individuals and teams that are part of the healthcare workforce. As part of its 2020 Annual Awards Celebration, to be held virtually, PCC will be honoring these leaders from across the country.

These heroes have demonstrated an extraordinary commitment to patient safety amidst the COVID-19 crisis. Healthcare workers and facility leadership are the fiber of the Canadian healthcare system, which has never been more evident than now. The pandemic reminds us all how much we depend on their courage and caring at our most vulnerable moments.

Earlier this year, PCC invited their Chairs to nominate individuals or teams within their facility who have gone above and beyond to ensure safe, high-quality, high-value healthcare. The nominations we received demonstrated:

  • Approach to ensuring patient and staff safety amidst COVID-19
  • How patients’ and/or families’ experience was improved as a result of the hero’s commitment
  • How other healthcare workers and facility administrators were positively impacted as a result of the individual’s or team’s efforts

Congratulations to Dr. Mylene Dandavino, Dr. Tanya Di Genova and Dr. Robert Sternszus on being the COVID Leadership Award recipients from the PCC!

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