Students holding candied strawberries in the streets of Shantou city

My name is Stella Conway, and I was able to participate in the Li Ka Shing Arts Initiative, or the Intensive Chinese Language Program, in May 2024. I am a third-year student at 捆绑SM社区, double majoring in International Development and East Asian Studies. My goal for this program was to ameliorate my Mandarin language speaking abilities through a more interactive experience (both inside the classroom and with locals), as well as learn more about Chinese culture (to help with my degree, but also due to personal interest as I am half-Chinese).

For the most part, I was able to fulfill the goals I set out for myself. During my experience, I had an amazing time learning about Shantou, and that region of China. This was done through interacting with the teaching assistants (most of whom are from the province) to gain cultural knowledge, as well as through classes we took on inter-cultural communication. This was also done through the cultural excursions we experienced during the weekends, where we were able to visit various cities. I think this was a highlight of the program. Each destination was memorable, and unique for various reasons, and I feel like I learned a lot about history, the way of life, culture, etc. Another highlight was definitely the teaching assistants. Before I arrived, I was very nervous about what type of people they would be but once I met them, they were generous and kind and very eager to not only learn about us, but also to teach us Chinese! It made the learning process so much better once I knew there was no judgement at our beginner-intermediate level, and that they were genuinely excited to be with us. A challenge I encountered was having the courage to speak Chinese. Especially as a beginner-intermediate to the language, I felt self conscious about my pronunciation, my lack of fluency, as well as feeling inadequate as someone who鈥檚 parent can speak the language. However, I overcame this lack of confidence by telling myself that I was here for the specific purpose of improving my Chinese, and that it wasn鈥檛 going to happen if I kept speaking English. I think this thought is what pushed me to really try and take advantage of the opportunity offered, and speaking Mandarin even if I wasn鈥檛 in my comfort zone.

If I were to give future participants advice, I would really advise to take opportunity of the month like I tried to. It is so easy to speak English, as everyone else immediately around you is also speaking English. At restaurants or shops, it is also easy to rely on pointing at the menu or having the TAs help with conversation. And while it is okay to have a little help, it is important to practice speaking Mandarin primarily by yourself. This is the only way to improve fluency and familiarity with the language, as well as acquire vocabulary for real-world scenarios.

I had an incredible time during my exchange at Shantou and made so many precious memories with new friends. I am very grateful for the opportunity to study, and recommend it to future participants!

The intermediate class, their teachers and tutors.