Stairs leading to a temple

When I was selected for the Li Ka Shing Award, I had no clue about the life changing effect one month in China would have on me. In fact, as a 20-year-old Quebecois studying International Development and with a passion for travelling and East Asia, I was well versed in walking around and marvelling at all the new things far-off countries could offer. I expected Shantou to be a similar experience to my 3 weeks spent in Japan the previous summer. How glad I am that I was wrong. Shantou completely shattered those expectations.


In STU I discovered some of the nicest people I’ll ever meet, both colleagues and tutors that I will cherish as dear friends forever. Being thrown into an alien environment, in a country so many worlds apart from where I grew up, along with complete strangers, pushed us to create an amazing bond in no time. This bond in turn undoubtedly fostered a great learning environment, where the constant Chinese immersion and the family-like interactions we had with our teachers and friends allowed for immense improvement in my speech and comprehension of Chinese. The people of Shantou, both inside and outside of campus, were so welcoming, friendly, and patient that communication failure was never dreaded, and something new could genuinely be learned every single day. The daily life interactions of shopping, eating, and living a normal life in China gave me a way to truly put my Chinese to use as it should be used. By the end of the program, I could have never dreamed of attaining such an improved level of fluency in such a short, yet unforgettable time.


Again, it is impossible to write about this amazing month without mentioning the unforgettable people involved. Without a shadow of a doubt, they made this life changing experience what it was, such as the 15 other students whom I came to know as if we’d known each other for years. I met the funniest, smartest and most talented people that could’ve been chosen for this program (thanks to our wonderful organizer), from my hilarious roommate Adam to the fashion icon that is my friend Lucy, who’s writing her report in front of me as well. It would be a crime not to mention our wonderful tutors and teachers, whom for a whole month gave their utmost to make our stay as lively and comfortable as possible, arranging for activities, classes and unforgettable karaoke nights. The gut-wrenching, tear-jerking feelings that we all shared when the time came to part ways is a testament to how deep the bond that we share with them has become.


The jam-packed days themselves made for a month forever seared in my mind. Every single day was like a week of life in Montreal, so full of new discoveries, from the wonders of China’s Pizza Huts to the smoky air of 台球rooms— The whirlwind of a day running around Xiamen, culminating in a relaxing walk around the beaches of Gulangyu island while gazing at the lights and stars. Each second of life in Shantou was so stimulating that when I finally slept in my own bed in Montreal, I couldn’t help but feel unbearable emptiness, simply missing the daily excitement of discovery that I’d grown to love in China. It truly felt like having lived a lifetime in a single month.


If I was given the chance to live this experience again, I would do so without hesitation. While the thought of living away from home for a whole month, with people you’ve never met before, in a country you’ve only seen through the lens of western media might seem scary (and it is), I am so very thankful to Lea, 捆绑SM社区 and the Li Ka Shing foundation for giving me a chance to see the world in a completely different way. I deepened my love for language learning and history, lived a unique experience, a taste of the real China with the most amazing people. This was truly a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that I could never thank the people involved enough for. If there’s one thing I’d have to take away from all this, it’s that you’ll never know how amazing the people you’ll meet are ?.