
Estelle Allan

Postdoctorate (Prof Peter Douglas) 
Estelle Allan
Contact Information
Email address: 
estelle.allan [at] mcgill.ca

PhD, Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM), Montreal (Canada)

Master’s Degree in Marine Geosciences at Institut Universitaire Européen de la Mer (IUEM), Brest (France)

Post-Doctoral Fellows
Selected publications: 

Allan, E., de Vernal, A., Seidenkrantz, M. -S., Briner, J. P., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Pearce, C., Meire, L., Røy, H., Mathiasen, A. M., Nielsen, M. T., Plesner, J. L., Perner, K. (2021). Insolation vs. meltwater control of productivity and sea surface conditions off SW Greenland during the Holocene. Boreas.

Briner, J. P., Cuzzone, J. K., Badgeley, J., Young, N. E., Steig, E. J., Morlighem, M., Schlegel, N., Hakim, G. J., Schaefer, J., Johnson, J. V., Lesnek, A. J., Thomas, E. K., Allan, E., Bennike, O., Cluett, A., Csatho, B. M., de Vernal, A., Downs, J., Larour, E. Y., Nowicki, S., (2020). Greenland Ice Sheet mass loss rate will exceed Holocene values this century. Nature, 586(7827), 70-74.

Turrin, M., Allan, E., Stock, J., Zaima, L. (2020). It Takes a ‘S³Ü±è±ð°ù³ó±ð°ù´Ç’ to Uncover the Climate Secrets in Fossilized Arctic Ocean Dinocysts. Current: The Journal of Marine Education, 34(1), 22–28.

van Bellen, S., de Vernal, A., To, A., Ouellet-Bernier M.-M., Roy, N., Allan, E., Audet, R., Boucher, E., Brice, C., Dueymes, G., Falardeau, J., Fichefet, T., Fillion, M., Fréchette, B., Gachon, P., Garneau, M., Gilson, G., Goosse, H., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Houde, N., Laprise, R., Ogden, N., Saint-Arnaud, M., Tremblay, B., Vanwambeke, S., Wazneh, H., van Ypersele, J-P. A database of Holocene temperature records for north-eastern North America and the north-western Atlantic (2020). Geoscience Data Journal.

Allan, E., de Vernal, A., Krawczyk, D., Moros, M., Radi, T., Rochon, A., Seidenkrantz, M. -S., Zaragosi, S. (2020). Distribution of dinocyst assemblages in surface sediment samples from the West Greenland margin. Marine Micropaleontology, 101818

de Vernal, A., Radi, T., Zaragosi, S., Van Nieuwenhove, N., Rochon, A., Allan, E., De Schepper, S., Eynaud, F., Head, M., Limoges, A., Londeix, L., Marret- Davies, F., Matthiessen, J., Penaud, A., Pospelova, V., Price, A., Richerol, T. (2020). Distribution of common modern dinocyst taxa in surface sediments of the Northern Hemisphere in relation to environmental parameters: the updated n=1968 database. Marine Micropaleontology, 101796.

Allan, E., de Vernal, A., Knudsen, M. F., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Moros, M., Ribeiro, S., Ouellet-Bernier, M.-M., Seidenkrantz, M. -S. (2018). Late Holocene sea surface instabilities in the Disko Bugt area, West Greenland, in phase with δ18O oscillations at Camp Century. Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, 33(2), 227-243.

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