
Special Issue of Education & Law Journal, edited by Dr. Shariff, features work of DISE students

Published: 10 January 2018

The IMPACTS Project is pleased to announce the publication of a special issue of the Education & Law Journal.

TitledNavigating the Minefield:Responding to Legal and Educational Dilemmas in Addressing Sexual Violence in Universities, this special issue featuresarticles from Dr. Shaheen Shariff, director of the IMPACTS Project, along withseveral articles written byresearch assistants on the project. The special issue is edited by Dr. Shariff, andco-edited by PhD student Christopher Dietzel and Law student Nazampal Jaswal.

Dr. Shariff authored two articles:Navigating the Minefield of Sexual Violence Policy in Expanding “University Contexts”, whichexplores the contemporary challenges faced by university administrators and the judiciary as they contend with responding to sexual violence among the campus community in off-campus and online spaces; andAddressing Online Sexual Violence: An Opportunity for Partnerships between Law and Education, which was co-authored with Dr. Karen Eltis andcalls for a partnership between law and education while alsohighlightingthe need for increased sensitization of decision-makers, in both the educational and justice domains, who are at the front lines of receiving reports of sexual violence.

PhD candidate Chloe Garcia and full-time researcher Ayesha Vemuri authored, Theorizing “Rape Culture”:How Law, Policy, and Education Can Support and End Sexual Violence.Their articleprovides an overview of current university policies created in response to sexual violence on campuses.

Professor Brian Rubineau and Nazampal Jaswal,L.L.B./B.C.L. Candidate, 2018, SM Faculty of Law,arguedagainst the sole use of largely reactive sexual violence policies in attempts to prevent sexual assault and harassment, and instead propose a hybrid approach to tackle the compound cultural components. Their article is titled,Response is Not Prevention: Management Insights for Reducing Campus Sexual Assault.

Master's student Emil Briones arguedfor a comprehensive educational approach to professional training programs in their article,Beyond Braces, Fillings, and Extractions: A Social Justice-Oriented Educational Response.

PhD student Shannon Hutcheson and Master's student Sarah Lewington authored,Navigating the Labyrinth: Policy Barriers to International Students’ Reporting of Sexual Assault in Canada and the United States.In this article, Hutcheson and Lewingtonprovide much needed attention to the particular vulnerabilities of international students who experience sexual assault while abroad.

Members of West Law can-Navigating the Minefield:Responding to Legal and Educational Dilemmas in Addressing Sexual Violence in Universities. [Special Issue.]Education & Law Journal, 27(1).

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