
CSCDS Data Science Expo 2020

Tuesday, January 21, 2020
New Residence Hall 3625 avenue du Parc, Montreal, QC, H2X 3P8, CA

To further our objectives of creating future-ready students and building a dynamic data science community, we are introducing our first CSCDS Data Science Expo. On January 21, 2020, we will welcome speakers and panelists to share their experience and perspective in the field of data science. There will also be the opportunity for companies and organizations to showcase themselves and to connect with young and determined minds – undergraduate and graduate students, SM Alumni, post doctoral students and other professionals. We hope you’ll be a part of what we anticipate will become a growing yearly event to advance and connect the Montreal data science community.

About CSCDS:

The world’s problems are increasingly technical and increasingly social at the same time. Every company and organization needs to bridge the worlds of arts, humanities and data science in order to address them. The Centre for Social and Cultural Data Science (CSCDS, or “cascades”) is building that bridge. We are creating a new kind of student who can imagine and deliver innovative, relevant, and responsible uses of data science that authentically engage with the challenges governments, companies, and organizations face.

CSCDS Data Science Expo 2020 Schedule*

Welcome to Data Science

Design & Poligy

Analytics & Development


8:00 Booth Set Up
10:00 From Courses to Careers’ by Derek Ruths, Director of the Centre for Social and Cultural Data Science and Associate Professor of Computer Science at SM Booths Open
10:30 Getting Data Protection and Policies Right - It's Not Easy! with Danielle Miller Olofsson of BCF Avocats d'affaires
11:30 "But I'm Not Qualified to be a Data Scientist!": How to Transition from University to the Data Science Industry with Erika Braithwaite of Precision Analytics

Data Science App Development in the Real World with Kevin Phan of Plotly

12:30 What is Data Science? all day long at the CSCDS bo Geoinformatics: Data Science through a Geographic Lens’ by Grant McKenzie, Assistant Professor in the Department of Geography at SM.
13:00 Data Science, Elections, Politics and Media’ by Aengus Bridgman of the Digital Democracy Project

Cognitive Diversity is Key to Successful AI Transformation’ by Amir Danak of Quantum Black

14:00 TBA with Microsoft Research
15:00 How diverse disciplines advance AI solutions at Microsoft Research” with Fernando Diaz of Microsoft Research

How Social and Design Play a Crucial Role in Building Impactful, Usable AI with Jason Stanley of ElementAI

Anyone can cook! The value of diverse educational backgrounds on data science teams” by Jenn Marton of Data Sciences

16:00 Booth Break Down

*Schedule and panel topics subject to change

CSCDS 2020 - Getting Data Protection and Policies Right - It’s Not Easy!’ with Danielle Miller Olofsson of BCF Business Law
January 21, 10:00 am -11:00 am
New Residence Hall
RSVP through

Whether collected from stop light cameras, smart devices, or social media - data contains snapshots of people's everyday lives. This makes the data that companies collect sensitive and important to treat with care. A lot of well-intentioned companies get this wrong. Whether as a legal consultant, a user interface designer, a marketer, or a developer, it's important to be aware of how to treat data properly. This session will walk through several case studies and show how tricky it can be to get data collection, privacy, and protection right - and why it requires a team with a wide range of expertise - from security to public policy - to get it right.

CSCDS 2020 - From Courses to Careers’ by Derek Ruths, Director of the Centre for Social and Cultural Data Science and Associate Professor of Computer Science at SM
January 21, 10:15 am - 11:15 am
New Residence Hall
RSVP through

Whether you're majoring in environment, communications, language, or statistics, SM has many opportunities for students to gain skills and experiences that will position them for a career in data science. In this session, Derek Ruths – professor of Computer Science and director of the Centre for Social and Cultural Data Science – will highlight available programs, courses, and extracurricular opportunities. We'll chart paths for students in all kinds of degree programs that lead to careers in the world of data science.

CSCDS 2020 - Data Science App Development in the Real World with Kevin Phan of Plotly
January 21, 11:15 am -12:15 am
New Residence Hall
RSVP through

Plotly's visualization products are used by businesses across a wide array of industries, by people in all different kinds of roles - from engineering to sales to HR. Kevin will touch on Plotly's experiences building and deploying in these environments. He will highlight the importance of considering the end user's perspective when developing data science projects: whether straightforward visualizations or complex interactive modeling tools.

CSCDS 2020 - But I’m not qualified to be a data scientist!”: How to transition from university to the data science industry with Erika Braithwaite of Precision Analytics
January 21, 11:30 am -12:30 pm
New Residence Hall
RSVP through

Are you thinking about transitioning to a data science career and don’t know where to start? In this session, I’ll share my experience starting a data science company after leaving academia. As a trained epidemiologist, I had to rebrand myself as a data scientist and as the company grew, I’ve also had to hire data scientists. I’ve screened hundreds of CV’s, conducted countless interviews and spoken to many folks who have finished university and are looking to move to industry. I want to share what I’ve learned and hope to provide some tips about how write your CV, how to re-brand yourself, and how to approach companies to make the transition from the university environment to an industry job in data science as smooth as possible.

CSCDS 2020 - Geoinformatics: Data Science through a Geographic Lens’ by Grant McKenzie, Assistant Professor in the Department of Geography at SM
January 21, 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm
New Residence Hall
RSVP through

Geoinformatics (or Geographic Information Science) is the scientific discipline that studies data structures and computational techniques to capture, represent, process, and analyze geographic information. From the early efforts of John Snow tracing the source of the London cholera outbreak in 1854, to GPS-enabled military drone strikes, and crisis mapping efforts in Puerto Rico, the ability to model and analyze geospatial information has been essential. In this talk, Dr. McKenzie will give an overview of the field and career opportunities by discussing a range of cutting edge geospatial projects in government and industry.

CSCDS 2020 - Data Science, Elections, Politics and Media’ by Aengus Bridgman of the Digital Democracy Project
January 21, 12:45 pm - 1:45 pm
New Residence Hall
RSVP through

As social behaviour increasingly moves online, the amount of politically-relevant data is growing. Traditional approaches to understanding mass political participation, the media environment, and electoral politics simply cannot keep up with the wealth of information we have today. Consequently, data science is a major growth field for studying election, politics, and media. This workshop explores how data science can help journalists, academics, and the general public understand elections today.

CSCDS 2020 - How diverse disciplines advance AI solutions at Microsoft Research with Fernando Diaz of Microsoft Research
January 21, 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
New Residence Hall
RSVP through

Over the past few years, artificial intelligence (AI) has moved from an area of academic research to a ubiquitous engineering discipline. In this presentation, I will reflect on the importance of approaching AI engineering problems as a dialog between multiple disciplines. Using web search as an example, I will describe on how an interdisciplinary approach can help in defining problems, engineering solutions, and monitoring performance. I will then present the current work at Microsoft Research Montréal that studies the societal impacts of artificial intelligence using this approach.

CSCDS 2020 - Anyone can cook! The value of diverse educational backgrounds on data science teams by Jenn Marton of Data Sciences
January 21, 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm
New Residence Hall
RSVP through

Data Sciences (DS) is a Montreal-based company that brings together data scientists, researchers, and digital marketing specialists in order to understand how audiences behave and predict how to best engage them. Our data sciences team comes from a variety of educational backgrounds - from psychology to computer science to genetics. This talk will highlight several scenarios where diverse educational backgrounds improved the speed and/or accuracy of data science projects by supporting thorough troubleshooting, facilitating experimental design, and improving feature selection and engineering.

CSCDS 2020 - How Social Science and Design Play a Crucial Role in Building Impactful, Usable AI' with Jason Stanley of Element AI
January 21, 3:15 pm - 4:15 pm
New Residence Hall
RSVP through

When we hear talk of machine learning, most people think of models and algorithms alone. But often machine learning can't survive in the wild without a rich set of human systems wrapped around it. For example, people need to make judgements about when and where machine decisions should be automated, the quality and cadence of human intervention in machine decisions, how and when to augment the data used to train a machine in response to a changing world, and so on. Without these human systems, machine learning tools often nosedive when confronted with a world more complex and dynamic than the 'lab'. In other words, technical modelling skills will only get us so far in building AI systems. We need people from design, the social sciences, and beyond to do this well.








Analysis Group - Groupe d'analyse Analysis Group provides economic, financial, and business strategy consulting to law firms, corporations, and government agencies. Through our work in thousands of cases across multiple industries, we have built a reputation for excellence by providing fact-based, thoughtful interpretation of complex legal and business issues. Undergraduate (Bachelor) / Premier cycle (baccalauréat), Graduate (Masters/Doctorate) / D'études supérieures (maîtrise / doctorat), Post Doc Fellows / Boursier Post Doctoral Computer Science / L'informatique, Data Engineering / Ingénierie de données, Data Science / Science des données, Data Visualization / Visualisation de données, Epidemiology / Épidémiologie, Health Sciences / Sciences de la santé Full-time / Temps Plein, Internship / Stage

Audela is an AI company providing software solutions and services for communication service providers. We focus on developing solutions based on Artificial Intelligence to help organizations build unbundled, open-source, technology-agnostic, virtualized, software-defined networks. We work closely with international partners in the telecommunications field such as B-Yond , AccuV , Nexius , and Intelgica . Undergraduate (Bachelor) / Premier cycle (baccalauréat), Graduate (Masters/Doctorate) / D'études supérieures (maîtrise / doctorat), Post Doc Fellows / Boursier Post Doctoral Computer Science / L'informatique, Data Engineering / Ingénierie de données, Data Science / Science des données Full-time / Temps Plein, Internship / Stage, Summer / Été
Automat Technologies Inc Automat is an AI digital marketing company that helps brands deliver messaging experiences that are tailor-made for each individual consumer and vastly outperform traditional digital marketing. Undergraduate (Bachelor) / Premier cycle (baccalauréat), Graduate (Masters/Doctorate) / D'études supérieures (maîtrise / doctorat) Computer Science / L'informatique, Data Engineering / Ingénierie de données, Data Science / Science des données, UX Full-time / Temps Plein, Internship / Stage, Summer / Été

BDC is the only bank devoted exclusively to entrepreneurs. It provides access to financing, both online and in-person, as well as advisory services to help Canadian businesses grow and succeed. Its investment arm, BDC Capital, offers a wide range of risk capital solutions. For 75 years and counting, BDC's purpose has been to support entrepreneurs in all industries and all stages of growth. For more information and to consult more than 1,000 free tools, articles and entrepreneurs' stories, visit

n/a n/a n/a
Data Sciences Data Sciences is a different type of agency. We bring data and digital together to deliver unmatched, measurable results. Data Sciences is a group of leading experts in the fields of data analytics, research, digital marketing and engagement campaigns that have a common goal to make a difference. Together we help organizations including Canadian and international NGOs, political parties, and major companies leverage data to produce measurable results. Undergraduate (Bachelor) / Premier cycle (baccalauréat), Graduate (Masters/Doctorate) / D'études supérieures (maîtrise / doctorat), Post Doc Fellows / Boursier Post Doctoral Computer Science / L'informatique, Data Engineering / Ingénierie de données, Data Science / Science des données, Data Visualization / Visualisation de données, Digital Humanities /Humanités numériques, Information Studies / Études d'information, Management / Gestion, Political Science / Science politique, Public Policy / Politique publique, UX Full-time / Temps Plein
DRW - (formerly Vigilant) DRW is a technology-driven, diversified principal trading firm. We trade our own capital at our own risk, across a broad range of asset classes, instruments and strategies, in financial markets around the world. As the markets have evolved over the past 25 years, so has DRW - maximizing opportunities to include real estate, cryptoassets and venture capital. With over 1000 employees at our Chicago headquarters and offices around the world, we work together to solve complex problems, challenge consensus and deliver meaningful results. It's a place of high expectations, deep curiosity and thoughtful collaboration. Undergraduate (Bachelor) / Premier cycle (baccalauréat), Graduate (Masters/Doctorate) / D'études supérieures (maîtrise / doctorat), Post Doc Fellows / Boursier Post Doctoral Computer Science / L'informatique, Data Engineering / Ingénierie de données, Data Science / Science des données, Data Visualization / Visualisation de données Full-time / Temps Plein
IVADO IVADO aims to bring together industry professionals and academic researchers to develop cutting-edge expertise in data science, operational research and artificial intelligence. IVADO members provide data management methods and inform decision making for optimal resource use. In essence, IVADO creates opportunities for knowledge exchange and collaborations between the specialists, partners, researchers and students in its network. IVADO's objective is to be the link between academic expertise and the business needs of organizations, from international corporations to start-ups. With over 1000 affiliated scientists (researchers, post-docs, PhD candidates and research associates), IVADO is an advanced multidisciplinary centre for knowledge in sectors including statistics, business intelligence, deep learning, applied mathematics, data mining and cybersecurity. The institute therefore supports the development of processes to extract trends, metrics and concrete information from the jumble of big data. Graduate (Masters/Doctorate) / D'études supérieures (maîtrise / doctorat), Post Doc Fellows / Boursier Post Doctoral Computer Science / L'informatique, Data Engineering / Ingénierie de données, Data Science / Science des données, Data Visualization / Visualisation de données, Digital Humanities /Humanités numériques, Management / Gestion Full-time / Temps Plein, Internship / Stage, Summer / Été
Local Logic

Local Logic is an insights company that uses a combination of geospatial data and user generated usage data to quantify qualitative aspects of location for every address in a city. The information that Local Logic has developed is used to guide consumers in their purchasing decisions when it comes to choosing the location of a home, a hotel, a vacation rental, or even a restaurant. Through this data a unique dataset emerges that improves the company's understanding of how the city is experienced, perceived, but also how it needs to change to be improved Undergraduate (Bachelor) / Premier cycle (baccalauréat), Graduate (Masters/Doctorate) / D'études supérieures (maîtrise / doctorat), Post Doc Fellows / Boursier Post Doctoral Computer Science / L'informatique, Data Engineering / Ingénierie de données, Data Science / Science des données, Data Visualization / Visualisation de données, Graphic Design / Conception graphique, Information Studies / Études d'information, Management / Gestion, Urban Planning / Aménagement Full-time / Temps Plein, Part-Time / Temps Partiel, Internship / Stage, Summer / Été
Logibec Inc Nous mettons tout en œuvre pour fournir aux acteurs du réseau de la santé au Canada des données stratégiques facilitant la prise de décision. C'est avec des solutions innovantes, qui s'ajoutent à celles déjà en place et qui sont sans cesse optimisées, que nous permettons aux gestionnaires d'avoir une vue d'ensemble de la performance de leur établissement, et ainsi de favoriser de saines gestions financière et clinique. Les prestataires de soins peuvent alors fonctionner de façon plus efficace et à moindre coût, le tout au bénéfice du patient. Undergraduate (Bachelor) / Premier cycle (baccalauréat),
Graduate (Masters/Doctorate) / D'études supérieures (maîtrise / doctorat),
Post Doc Fellows / Boursier Post Doctoral
Computer Science / L'informatique,
Data Engineering / Ingénierie de données,
Data Science / Science des données,
Data Visualization / Visualisation de données
Full-time / Temps Plein,
Part-Time / Temps Partiel,
Internship / Stage,
Summer / Été
SM - Master of Management in Analytics /desautels/programs/mma The SM Master of Management in Analytics (MMA) degree is a pre-experience, twelve-month specialized program in the evolving field of management analytics. The MMA program is designed to address the growing needs of organisations (for profit, non-profit, governmental) for business analytics. Undergraduate (Bachelor) / Premier cycle (baccalauréat) Communications, Computer Science / L'informatique, Data Engineering / Ingénierie de données, Data Science / Science des données, Data Visualization / Visualisation de données, Digital Humanities /Humanités numériques, Environmental Studies / Études environnementales, Epidemiology / Épidémiologie, Graphic Design / Conception graphique, Health Sciences / Sciences de la santé, Information Studies / Études d'information, Life Sciences /Sciences de la vie , Management / Gestion, Medicine / Médicine, Music / Musique, Political Science / Science politique, Psychology / Psychologie, Public Policy / Politique publique, Urban Planning / Aménagement urbain, UX Full-time / Temps Plein
SM School of Continuing Studies /continuingstudies/ The SM School of Continuing Studies has earned an international reputation as a leader in continuing education. Our programs are innovative, our instructors are engaged, and our learners are smart and diverse. They are students, professionals, employees, employers, newcomers, and lifelong learners - and they bring with them a wide range of experience from all walks of life. Our diverse programming is designed to respond to their needs. We offer daytime, evening, and weekend courses that take place on campus and online. Look to the School to learn new skills, connect with new friends and colleagues, and elevate your personal and professional goals Graduate (Masters/Doctorate) / D'études supérieures (maîtrise / doctorat) Computer Science / L'informatique, Data Engineering / Ingénierie de données, Data Science / Science des données, Data Visualization / Visualisation de données, Information Studies / Études d'information Part-Time / Temps Partiel

Mylo Financial Technologies Inc.

Mylo helps Canadians achieve their financial goals. How? Easy. The Mylo app rounds up your everyday purchases and invests the spare change. The way it works is simple: Download the app from the App Store or Google Play, link your bank and then go about your day as usual. Whenever you make a purchase with a debit or credit card that is linked to the app, Mylo will round that transaction up to the nearest dollar and invest the difference in a diversified portfolio of exchange-traded funds, which is selected according to your goal, time horizon and risk tolerance. We're automating saving and investing and offering fully-managed investment services for a low, flat fee of either $1 per month for non-registered accounts or $3 per month for registered accounts and SRI options. We launched the app in July 2017 and today, nearly half a million Canadians have created accounts to save and invest with Mylo.

Undergraduate (Bachelor) / Premier cycle (baccalauréat), Graduate (Masters/Doctorate) / D'études supérieures

Undergraduate (Bachelor) / Premier cycle (baccalauréat), Graduate (Masters/Doctorate) / D'études supérieures (maîtrise / doctorat)

Computer Science / L'informatique, Data Engineering / Ingénierie de données, Data Science / Science des données, Data Visualization / Visualisation de données

Full-time / Temps Plein, Internship / Stage, Summer / Été provides a suite of petroleum analytics software tools that empowers oil and gas asset teams to develop assets more efficiently by building and sharing machine learning models, deploying personalized analytics workflows at scale, and organizing, sharing, and interacting with data more effectively than they can with any other solution on the market. At, we're working towards a future where everyone can analyze data to improve their work, their communities, and their lives. We have a culture that celebrates creative thinking, open discussion, skill-sharing, and a healthy work-life balance. We're currently hiring talented and experienced developers for our office in Mile End. Undergraduate (Bachelor) / Premier cycle (baccalauréat), Graduate (Masters/Doctorate) / D'études supérieures (maîtrise / doctorat), Post Doc Fellows / Boursier Post Doctoral Computer Science / L'informatique, Data Engineering / Ingénierie de données, Data Science / Science des données, Data Visualization / Visualisation de données Full-time / Temps Plein
Plotly Plotly is an open-core company based in Montreal, Quebec. Plotly writes and maintains the world's fastest-growing, open-source, interactive graphing libraries for Python and R, with over 50M cumulative downloads worldwide. We're dedicated to putting world-class performant scientific charting capabilities in the hands of everyday scientists, researchers, engineers, and analysts - that will always be free, open-source, available for anyone to use and contribute to. Plotly's flagship software, Dash, is a free, open-source web framework for developing analytic applications. Dash has achieved a monthly download rate of over 150k, and around the world over 2.6M unique viewers have read the Dash documentation. In a short time, Dash has carved out a growing market segment among Fortune 500 and global multinational corporations. With both open-source and enterprise offerings, Dash is designed with data scientists in mind, providing the fastest, easiest way for what was once esoteric and siloed to become fully operationalized in the business - clearly communicated through interactive, beautiful visualizations and great design. Undergraduate (Bachelor) / Premier cycle (baccalauréat), Graduate (Masters/Doctorate) / D'études supérieures (maîtrise / doctorat), Post Doc Fellows / Boursier Post Doctoral Computer Science / L'informatique, Data Engineering / Ingénierie de données, Data Science / Science des données, Data Visualization / Visualisation de données, Digital Humanities /Humanités numériques, Graphic Design / Conception graphique Full-time / Temps Plein, Part-Time / Temps Partiel, Internship / Stage, Summer / Été
Precision Analytics

Precision Analytics is a startup based in Montreal, Canada, specializing in health data science. We harness the latest techniques in data science as tools for faster, better decision-making in the fields of biopharmaceuticals, health, and life sciences. We combine high-level analytics with thoughtful automation to provide fast, actionable insights from data. Our software solutions combine all three pillars of data science: data infrastructure, analytics, and communication. As a company, we're excited to continue building our talented team, forging relationships with organizations doing cutting-edge research, and solving challenging problems together. Our clients are working to solve exciting scientific problems, from innovative cancer research to scaling production of cannabis pharmaceuticals. Undergraduate (Bachelor) / Premier cycle (baccalauréat), Graduate (Masters/Doctorate) / D'études supérieures (maîtrise / doctorat Computer Science / L'informatique, Data Engineering / Ingénierie de données, Data Science / Science des données, Data Visualization / Visualisation de données, Epidemiology / Épidémiologie, Health Sciences / Sciences de la santé, Life Sciences /Sciences de la vie Full-time / Temps Plein, Part-Time / Temps Partiel, Internship / Stage, Summer / Été
Rio Tinto New challenges demand new ideas. As experts in mining and metals, we're looking for the next generation of challengers, visionaries and pioneers. The people who will think beyond possibility to deliver ideas and answers that are essential to human progress. We are committed to investing in our people and attracting diverse and high-calibre talent into the business. With this investment, we aim to build a dynamic and high-performing workplace with the capability to meet current and future business needs. Our dynamic graduate programme provides you with the opportunity to work for a business that's making a meaningful difference in the way we resource the world. With a focus on environmental sustainability, all while developing the skills of future experts and leaders, we are creating a legacy that will improve the lives of millions of people globally. We challenge you to be the progress Graduate (Masters/Doctorate) / D'études supérieures (maîtrise / doctorat) Computer Science / L'informatique, Data Engineering / Ingénierie de données, Data Science / Science des données, Environmental Studies / Études environnementales Full-time / Temps Plein, Internship / Stage, Summer / Été

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